NWN Ruritans learn about hospice care
The Northwestern Ruritan Club met Nov. 11 for the monthly dinner/meeting at Northwestern High School. President Jamie Bowman welcomed members and guests John Biery, Kelsey Schaefer and Sarah Ecker.
Schaefer and Ecker presented a program on hospice. Schaefer is a NWHS graduate, a registered nurse and has been with hospice for 8 1/2 years. Hospice care, which usually takes place in a patient’s home, provides critical care and can increase a patient’s survival time. It focuses on quality of life.
There are hundreds of hospices in the U.S., and not all have their own facilities. Patients can go off and back on hospice care, depending on needs. Hospice takes a holistic approach to care, focusing on comfort, dignity and emotional support. It is covered by Medicare, Medicaid and most private insurance plans. Hospices work closely with the physicians, who continue to be an active partner in the patient’s care.
The club also welcomed Biery, the Ohio District Ruritan national representative, who gave a talk on Ruritans and congratulated the club on its successes.
The October meeting minutes were not read due to the shortage of time, but Chuck Beck’s treasurer’s report was approved subject to audit. A thank-you note was received for the club's donation to Ruritan National’s Project Focus for victims of hurricanes. Appreciation was given to members who brought in coats and other goods to send to hurricane victims.
A motion was passed that donations be made to the NWHS choir, the NWHS Drama Club, The Salvation Army and STAR Christmas Tree. Sign-up sheets were passed for members to man The Salvation Army Christmas Kettles at Buehler’s Milltown Store on Dec. 3. All time slots were filled by members.
Bowman reported the flags for Parade of Flags were out for Veterans Day, the last they will be out this year. Beck said the roadside pickup last month was canceled due to weather.
Jerry Payn attended the Ohio District Ruritan Convention in Smithville on Nov. 9, which was hosted by the Smithville Ruritan Club, chaired by Rick Dilyard, Ruritan Zone 9 governor. The NWN Ruritan Club received Gold Honor Certificates for the citizenship and patriotism committee, chaired by Bowman, and the social development committee, chaired by Sherri Wellert, and received a Bronze Honor Certificate for membership growth.
With no more business, the meeting was adjourned with the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. The Christmas dinner meeting with spouses invited will be Dec. 9 at Northwestern High School, preceded by the director’s meeting at 5:30 p.m. in the library. The NWHS choir will perform Christmas music.