AC-WH JVS BOE honors adult ed students at meeting

AC-WH JVS BOE honors adult ed students at meeting

The Ashland County-West Holmes Joint Vocational School District Board of Education held a regular meeting in the board room on May 16.

The board did the following during the meeting:

—Recognized April Student of the Month recipients Kaydance Henderson-Schneiter, junior, auto body, Hillsdale High School; Sarah Wilt, senior, early childhood education, Ashland High School; and Rowan Wilson, adult education, HVAC/R.

—Recognized May Adult Education Student of the Month Eric Spigelmire, phlebotomy technology.

—Recognized Adult Education Student of the Year recipients Micah Bolander, HVAC/R, and Kadyn Klecka, welding technology.

—Recognized the following adult education students who achieved perfect attendance for the 2023-24 school year: Paige Green, dental assisting; Reece Hartmann, electrical technologies; Tara Hubbard, phlebotomy technology; Kadyn Klecka, welding technology; Kailey Krebs, phlebotomy technology; Marisa Miller, phlebotomy technology; Shirley Scheck, phlebotomy technology; Shelly Schoonover, phlebotomy technology; Eric Spigelmire, phlebotomy technology; Madalyn Sponsler, phlebotomy technology; and Elizabeth Ulferts, phlebotomy technology.

—Recognized the following adult education National Honor Society 2024 inductees: Kotiana Barber, Stephanie Leber, Reanna Blough, Marisa Miller, Micah Bolander, Donald Mosley, Annette Craft, Caroline Mulhollen, Baylee Cucco, Shirley Scheck, Allyson Dawson, Shelly Schoonover, Reagan Garrett, Jetlynn Scott, Paige Green, Eric Spigelmire, Reece Hartmann, Madalyn Sponsler, Tara Hubbard, Kyle Taylor, Destiny Kerby, Daniel Trayter, Kadyn Klecka, Elizabeth Ulferts, Kailey Krebs and John Leaver.

—Recognized the ACWHCC early childhood education program for being the Families First high school winner at the FCCLA organization/state competition.

—Recognized Mikayla Jarvis for placing first at the ProStart program creative cake competition. She won a $10,000 scholarship to Sullivan University.

—Recognized the Rotary Club of Ashland’s Ashland STRIVE scholarship winners: Karena Burgess, Loudonville High School; Liberty Gerhart, Loudonville High School; and Katrina Keating, Mapleton High School.

—Approved one-year supplemental contracts for the following administrative personnel, effective the 2024-25 contract year: Joseph Bowman, H.B. 308/OSHA coordinator and food service supervisor.

—Approved a one-year probationary contract for the following full-time certified personnel, effective the 2024-25 contract year: Emily Harding, agricultural education instructor, Ashland City Schools, and Brad Salois, auto tech instructor, ACWHCC.

—Approved a one-year limited contract for the following full-time certified personnel, effective the 2024-25 contract year: Andrea Barker, sports medicine, Ashland City Schools; Dale Cable, construction technology instructor, ACWHCC; Mike Earick, HVAC instructor, ACWHCC; and Joshua Hunter, math instructor, ACWHCC.

—Approved a three-year limited contract for the following full-time certified personnel, effective the 2024-25 contract year: Tim Friend, math instructor, ACWHCC.

—Approved a five-year limited contract for the following full-time certified personnel, effective the 2024-25 contract year: Anne Leidigh, animal veterinary science instructor, ACWHCC, and James Simmering, mechanical engineering instructor.

—Approved a limited supplemental contract for the following certified personnel for IEP planning and writing, effective the 2024-25 contract year: Maria Adams, Kristin Burke, Tracy Gibbs, Christina Moser, Roberta White and Joel Vanderzyden.

—Approved a supplemental contract for the following certified personnel: Shannon Donelson, Career-Technical Club adviser for FCCLA, effective the 2024-25 contract year.

—Approved a supplemental contract for the following certified personnel: Tod Fox, Career-Technical Club adviser for FFA, effective the 2024-25 contract year.

—Approved a supplemental contract for the following certified personnel: Andrea Barker, Anne Leidigh and Amanda Young, Career-Technical Club advisers for HOSA, effective the 2024-25 contract year.

—Approved a supplemental contract for the following certified personnel: Dale Cable, Kathy Diederich, Mike Earick, Kelly Ferguson (lead adviser), TJ Houston, Tom Kalo, Steve Lacko, Melissa Meeker, Mark Overlow, Molly Shea (lead adviser), Bradley Salois, Jim Simmering and Joshua Welch, Career-Technical Club advisers for SkillsUSA, effective the 2024-25 contract year.

—Approved a limited supplemental for the following certified personnel for the LPDC committee, effective the 2024-25 contract year: Kristen Burke, Casey Magyar and Christina Moser.

—Approved a one-year limited supplemental contract for the following classified personnel, effective the 2024-25 contract year: Vicki Loucks, EMIS coordinator.

—Approved the employment of the following adult education full-time personnel, effective the 2024-25 contract year: Mary Bruno, business service coordinator; Celeste Guiler, dental assisting instructor; and Jamie Krabill, medical assisting instructor.

—Approved a one-year limited supplemental contract for the following adult education classified personnel, effective the 2024-25 contract year: Nicole Davis, compliance coordinator.

—Approved the employment of the following adult education part-time certified personnel, effective the 2024-25 contract year: Jonathan Keene, career development lead; Marissa Maidment, career development lead; Rick Price, consultative faculty; Jeffery Steele, career development lead; George Weirich, career development lead; and George Zeigler, career development lead.

—Approved a two-year limited contract for the following adult education part-time classified personnel, effective the 2024-25 contract year: Shelby Kane, assistant to treasurer.

—Approved a two-year limited contract for the following adult education full-time classified personnel, effective the 2024-25 contract year: Heidi Edgington, maintenance/custodian; Bonnie Harrigan, secretary; and Allison Rogers, AVS aide.

—Approved a three-year administrative contract for the following full-time administrative classified personnel, effective the 2024-25 contract year: Joe Bowman, maintenance director; Jana Funk, assistant treasurer; and Andy Huffman, technology supervisor.

—Approved the resignation of the following part-time classified personnel: Amber Cooper, educational aide, effective June 30.

—Approved a two-year limited contract for the following full-time classified personnel: Amber Cooper, educational aide, effective Aug. 19.

—Approved a limited supplemental contract for the following classified personnel, effective the 2024-25 contract year: Heather Morgan, food service coordination.

—Approved the resignation of the following full-time certified personnel: Shawn Wade, welding technology instructor, from a two-year limited contract, effective Aug. 12.

–Approved the employment of Shannon Donelson as a district van driver, effective the 2023-24 contract year.

—Approved the employment of the following as district drivers, effective the 2024-25 contract year: Richard Brindley (van), James Dahl (bus), Joshua M. Davis (bus), Kathy Diederich (van), Shannon Donelson (van), Tod Fox (van), Timothy Houston (van) and James Ritchie (van).

—Approved the employment of the following as secondary education district volunteers, effective the 2023-24 contract year: Mary Cox, Julie McNaull, Greg McNaull and Carley Coppler.

—Approved the employment of the following as secondary education district volunteers, effective the 2024-25 contract year: Riley Hiller, Luke Crone, Dave Bishop, Kenneth Schuck, Mary Cox, Julie McNaull, Greg McNaull and Carley Coppler.

—Approved the district’s certified/classified substitutes list as presented. The rates are as specified per position on the approved salary schedule.

—Approved the Tri-County ESC’s certified/classified substitutes list as presented. The rates are as specified per position on the approved salary schedule.

—Approved the administrative salary schedules and benefits as presented for the 2024-2025, 2025-26 and 2026-27 contract years for the principal, assistant principal, adult education director, supervisor of maintenance, supervisor of technology, secretary to the superintendent/treasurer, assistant treasurer, assistant to the treasurer, marketing and public relations coordinator, and adult education secretary.

—Approved/ratified the collective bargaining agreement with the Ashland Vocational Teachers Association, effective Aug. 1, 2024, through July 31, 2027, and authorized the president of the board, treasurer and superintendent to sign the agreement on the BOE’s behalf.

—Approved GMP Amendment #3 to the construction manager at risk agreement and authorized the board president and treasurer to sign that amendment.

—Accepted donations from and sent a letter of appreciation to Kokosing for its donation of safety equipment valued at $4,500 to the construction trades program, the John Palmer family for its donation of a $500 scholarship to benefit a student of the donor’s choice, and the James L. Fish family for its donation of a $500 scholarship to benefit a student of the donor’s choice.

Other information

Ohio Auditor of State Keith Farber awarded the AC-WH JVSD the Ohio Auditor of State Award for excellence in financial reporting in accordance with generally accepted account principles and compliance with applicable laws for the fiscal year ending in 2023.

The next board meeting is scheduled for June 20 at 6 p.m. in the board room.

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