AC-WH JVSD BOE authorizes contracts for building
The Ashland County-West Holmes Joint Vocational School District Board of Education held a special meeting in the board room on June 25.
The board did the following during the meeting:
—Approved 16 appropriation modifications to the FY24 permanent appropriations.
—Approved an advance of not to exceed $30,500 from the 001 General Fund to the Fund 524 Carl D. Perkins Grant.
—Approved the transfer of funds from the 001 General Fund to Fund 035 Terminations ($20,000) and Fund 070 Capital Projects ($2,038,505).
—Approved the following transfers to fully fund the district’s local share of the project agreement with the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission: $2,494,067 from PALFI Fund 0049001 to Local Share Project Fund 0109010, $560,895 from Additions LFI Fund 0049004 to Local Share Project Fund 0109010 and $896,619 from Adult Ed Center LFI Fund 0049000 to Local Share Project Fund 0109010.
—Approved an intrafund building transfer of $2,831,181 from the Adult Ed Center LFI Fund 0049000 to GMP Direct LFI Fund 0049005.
—Approved the temporary appropriations for FY2025 as presented.
—Approved GMP Amendment #4 to the construction manager at-risk agreement and authorized the board president and treasurer to sign that GMP Amendment.
—Authorized contracts for the adult education building additions and renovations project.
—Approved the employment of full-time administrative personnel Jennifer Moore, assistant principal, effective 2024-25 contract year.
—Approved the resignation of full-time classified personnel Bonnie Harigan, secretary.
The next regular board meeting is scheduled for July 18 at 6 p.m. in the board room.