BOE approves resolution for new bond issue

BOE approves resolution for new bond issue
Barb Limbacher

Flynn Howell, elementary, and Giselda Garcia Box, middle school, were named December Student of the Month recipients.


Strasburg Board of Education approved a resolution to proceed with placing a $10 million, 30-year bond issue on the May 6 ballot and certifying it to the Tuscarawas County Board of Elections.

“The millage will be 3.6 mills and cost the owner of a $100,000 house about $126 additional property taxes a year,” Strasburg Superintendent Vince Lindsey said after the Dec. 18 meeting.

Phase two will include improvements to the football field, adding turf and extending the running track, constructing a baseball and softball field at district-owned property located north of the school, dugouts, locker rooms, and a concession stand. A band practice field would be constructed south of the school near Tiger Drive.

John Picard of Massillon has been hired as the architect, and Beaver Construction is the engineer for the project.

The current 28-year bond issue for the new school buildings expires in 2031.

In another matter the board accepted the resignation of Elementary Principal Sheila Doerschuk for retirement, effective May 31, 2025. The board thanked her for the many years of service to the district

The board also did the following:

—Learned a new updated sound system will be installed in the high school gym.

—Granted a supplemental contract to Jacob Sheahan as a mentor for the school year at $1,524.

—Approved Joshua Loar as elementary drumline adviser to be paid from Title IV funds at a rate of $750 for the 2024-25 school year.

—Gave approval to Maggie Cerrato for maternity leave from Jan. 6 through Feb. 2.

—Approved a donation from Overhead Door to the athletic department for $6,737 to place a U.S. flag in the high school gym. A retractable flag will be mounted in the middle of the high school gym and float down during the national anthem.

—Entered into a three-year agreement and a Memorandum of Understanding between the school district and COAD for senior citizens to help with students.

—Appointed Board President Kevin Harvey as president pro tempore for the Jan. 9 meeting.

Other information

The board recognized December Student of the Month recipients Raelynn Lancaster, high school; Giselda Garcia Box, middle school; and Flynn Howell, elementary. Each received a plaque sponsored by the district and Lions Club.

The next meeting will be held Jan. 9 at 6 p.m. for an organizational meeting and the regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. at 140 N. Bodmer Ave., Strasburg. The meeting was changed from Jan. 22.

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