EH BOE gives superintendent a positive review

EH BOE gives superintendent a positive review

The East Holmes Local Schools Board of Education met for a regular meeting on July 19 at the central office.

The board did the following during the meeting:

—Approved a treasurer’s bond for Daniel Reiman from Aug. 1 through July 31, 2026.

—Approved the cafeteria change fund for $175 to be issued to the following schools for the 2024-25 school year: Berlin ($25), Chestnut Ridge ($25), Flat Ridge ($25), Mt. Hope ($25), Walnut Creek ($25), Winesburg ($25) and Wise ($25).

—Approved the purpose statements and budgets for the 2024-25 school year.

—Approved the transfer of $191.13 from Fund 0189308 Berlin Staff Fund to 018930D* Berlin General Fund.

—Approved the transfer of $57.51 from Fund 200950A (Class of 2020), $3,174.71 from Fund 200951A (Class of 2021) and $923.81 from Fund 200952A (Class of 2022) to Fund 018920A HS General Fund.

—Approved participating in the following federal programs for the 2024-25 school year: Title I-A, Title II-A, Title III, Title IV-A, IDEA-B and ARP Homeless.

—Approved a request for qualifications for construction manager at-risk for phased classroom renovations.

—Approved a request for qualifications for professional design services for phased classroom renovations.

—Approved an annual agreement with The Impact Group to provide communication services for the district.

—Approved an agreement renewal with PublicSchoolWorks for the district’s online in-service program.

—Approved a shared services agreement with Garaway Local School District, wherein East Holmes Local School District will transport students to and from Beacon Hill Community School for the 2024-25 school year.

—Approved a contract with Garaway Local School District to provide transportation services for students participating in programs at the Buckeye Career Center for the 2024-25 school year.

—Approved a Memorandum of Understanding between the East Holmes Local School District and East Central Ohio Educational Service Center to participate in the College Credit Plus grant.

—Approved a resolution to provide payment instead of transportation for East Holmes students attending Central Christian School and the Wayne County Schools Career Center for the 2024-25 school year, pending approval as provided by law.

—Approved a resolution authorizing META Solutions to advertise and receive bus bids on behalf of East Holmes Local Schools for the 2024-25 school year as per the specifications submitted.

—Approved an agreement with the sheriff of Holmes County to provide a deputy for school security services for the 2024-25 school year.

—Approved a services agreement between East Holmes Local Schools and Midland Council of Governments, dba Tri-County Computer Services Association, from July 1 through June 30, 2025.

—Approved a service level agreement between East Holmes Local Schools and Midland Council of Governments, dba Tri-County Computer Services Association, for computer, data processing and application support services, effective July 1.

—Approved a contract with the Holmes County Board of Development Disabilities for providing educational teacher assistant support services for students attending the Holmes County Training Center for the 2024-25 school year.

—Approved the assignment of USDA Foods member agreement under the SWEPC Cooperative Program, ensuring compliance with USDA and Ohio Department of Education regulations and facilitating efficient management and distribution of USDA Foods for the 2025-26 school year.

—Approved a contract with Innovative Solutions Group Inc. for the SFSPac Food Service Sanitation and Safety Program for the 2024-25 school year.

—Approved the following contracts with Tri-County Educational Service Center for the 2024-25 school year: educational services for handicapped preschool, fine arts and career connections; special services for the Medicaid school program; and employment services for athletic trainer, gifted coordinator/intervention specialist, school psychologist and speech/language pathologists.

—Appointed a delegate and alternate to the OSBA Capital Conference to be held Nov. 10-12.

—Deemed Superintendent Erik Beun’s annual review as positive.

—Accepted the following resignations: Jewell Bontrager, cook at Berlin, effective at the end of the 2023-24 contractual school year; James Custer, math/science at Mt. Hope, retiring effective Aug. 31; and Joseph Dillon, social studies at Hiland, effective June 27.

—Approved the transfer of Logan Mullet from general teacher to social studies teacher at Hiland for the 2024-25 contractual school year.

—Approved all substitute personnel hired by East Holmes Local Schools and the Tri-County Educational Service Center for the 2024-25 school year.

—Approved a one-year limited contract for the 2024-25 school year to the following new certified personnel, pending completion of all licensure requirements: Amber Rowe, general teacher at Hiland, and Emily Tetzloff, general teacher at Winesburg/Walnut Creek.

—Approved a one-year limited contract for the 2024-25 school year to the following new classified personnel: Scott Jenkins, evening custodian at Berlin, starting Aug. 12, and Heather Blosser, aide at Berlin.

—Approved the following placement on the certified salary schedule, effective at the beginning of the 2024-25 contractual school year: Erin Bille to Masters+35, Anne Blochlinger to Masters+35, Sarah Hershberger to Masters+35, Blaine Hoxworth to BA150, Carrie Jones to Masters+35, Kari Kaufman to Masters+35, Lori Pringle to Masters+35, Launie Shaw to Masters+35, Kathryn Stockwell to Masters+20, Megan Wallace to Masters+20, Angela Yoder to Masters+35 and Karina Yoder to Masters+35.

—Approved the following supplemental positions for the 2024-25 school year: Lori Pringle, sophomore class adviser; Shawn Troyer, varsity assistant boys soccer coach; and Emily Tetzloff, freshman volleyball coach.

The next board meeting is scheduled for Aug. 16 at the East Holmes Central Office.

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