Strasburg BOE discusses report card for the district

Strasburg BOE discusses report card for the district
Barb Limbacher

Adrena McComb, middle school, left, and Prestyn Yant, elementary, received a plaque donated by the Lions Club and the district.


Strasburg Board of Education discussed the report card for the district during its Sept. 18 meeting. The elementary received four stars, the high school/middle school received a 3.5 star rating and the district received 3.5 stars overall. Superintendent Vince Lindsey said he was pleased with the overall report card, and the district will continue to work toward improving. A four star rating means the school exceeds standards in academic achievement, and a three star rating meets state standards in academic achievement.

The district received three stars in achievement, two stars in progress, three stars in early literacy (kindergarten to third at-risk readers), and four stars in gap closing and graduation district-wide.

The board approved a seventh-grade trip to Pittsburgh on May 5 and 6. Nicole Lake is the seventh-grade trip coordinator. Teachers Brooke Spinell, Phil Shori and Brett Hershberger are advisers.

“The students will be touring the Pittsburgh Zoo, aquarium and classroom facts about science,” said Frank Kruger, high school/middle school principal. “We are hoping to take the seventh grade on this trip each year.”

The board also did the following:

—Granted a continuing contract to certified staff Rachel Ripley. She has met all requirements in the teacher negotiated agreement.

—Issued one-year supplemental contracts to Brooke Spinell, junior class adviser, and Jacob Sheahan, Chess Club.

—Approved 2025 fiscal year appropriations of $7.6 million in the general fund.

—Heard there are several grandmas and a grandpa volunteering in the classrooms through the COAD grandparents program.

—Hired Nicole Yant as a cafeteria/playground monitor, effective Sept. 9, at two hours per day/five days a week at $12 per hour. She will be paid from Title IV funds.

—Approved Beth Marburger, certified substitute teacher, and Trina Johnson, substitute teacher’s aide, effective Aug. 27.

—Accepted the resignation of Susan Wherley, tutor, effective Sept. 13.

—Gave approval for an overnight trip for the speech and debate team to compete at the Dublin Jerome Speech and Debate Tournament on Nov. 16.

—Accepted donations of $8,000 from the Reeves Foundation for Project Lead the Way and $500 from the American Legion for teacher supplies.

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The board recognized August Student of the Month recipients Gavin Weaver, high school; Adrena McComb, middle school; and Prestyn Yant, elementary. Each received a plaque donated by the Lions Club and the district.

A lockdown of the entire school was held last week. All of the emergency systems were enabled and working.

The village employees installed sports banners along Wooster Avenue. Forty-eight banners were installed on AEP poles representing 90 students.

The next meeting will be held Oct. 16 at 6:30 p.m. in the administration building at 140 N. Bodmer Ave.

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