Several Millersburg committee positions need filling
Millersburg Village Council held a regular meeting on Dec. 9.
Several items were discussed during the meeting:
—The Christmas parade with Santa Claus will be Sunday, Dec. 15 at 2 p.m. through downtown. If someone wants to be in the parade, the lineup will be at 1:30 p.m. at Millersburg Elementary School.
—The Christmas I Spy Game is happening until Dec. 24. People can bring their children into Millersburg and hunt for the list that was in last week’s edition of The Holmes Bargain Hunter.
—The design/review board met Dec. 4. The board approved applications from Main Street Bank for signage, Millersburg Dental for an addition and the village office signage. The board denied the Millersburg Christian Church design. MCC and its consultants will revise the plans and resubmit in January. The planning and zoning board also met that night. P&Z approved the site plan and variance applications from Millersburg Christian Church, contingent upon the design/review board approving the design. P&Z also recommended approval of a rezoning request from Brodie DeHass for two vacant lots he owns on Koch Street. A public hearing will be held Jan. 13 at 6:50 p.m. for that rezoning request.
—The curb work and sidewalk projects have been paused due to weather and will likely finish in the spring.
—The framing is done on the street department storage building, and sheathing is being done as the weather allows.
—The village’s zoning map is now loaded on the county GIS mapping. It is viewable as a map theme and is labeled “Zoning (Millersburg only).” Council thanked Eric Parker and Chad Cline for their work on the map.
—The village sent letters inquiring about what kind of waterline residents have coming into their homes. If a resident received one of the letters, the village asks they contact it and let it know what type of waterline they have. If a resident is unsure about what kind of waterline they have, they can call the village at 330-674-1886, and a village representative can walk them through how to determine what type of waterline they have.
—If anyone is interested in being on a committee, email Mayor Kelly Hoffee at and let her know. Four committees are available — the design/review board, planning and zoning board, Tree City Committee, and business and housing committee. The committees meet once a month or every other month, and the time commitment would be anywhere from half an hour to an hour and a half.
Council will next meet for a regular meeting on Monday, Dec. 23 at 7 p.m. During the meeting an ugly sweater contest for Christmas will take place.