Sugarcreek reader urges others to vote Republican
Letter to the Editor:
If Democrats regain control of Congress in the 2018 midterm election, President Donald Trump will be impeached. Every single Democrat accompanied with a quarter of Republicans will vote for impeachment.
No, this isn’t hyperbole. This is the reality America faces on Nov. 6. The Democratic base is energized. They are motivated by one thing: to see President Donald Trump removed from office. With a Democrat majority, President Trump’s entire agenda will be obstructed, and impeachment hearings would begin almost immediately.
If you believe there is a “red wave” coming in 2018, it’s time to wake up. If history is any guide, it shows us that the president’s party typically loses seats in the midterm election.
Only twice in history did the party in power gain seats in the House and Senate. Once in 1934 during FDR’s presidency in the midst of the Great Depression and once during George W. Bush’s presidency, roughly a year after the 9/11 terror attack.
After President Bill Clinton’s impeachment, Democrats gained seats in the House and broke even in the Senate. As you can see, these are extraordinary examples and are certainly not good indicators of what is to come. Is there a large “blue wave” coming? That’s up for debate, but what is not up for debate is, under this current projection, there is certainly no “red wave” coming.
As a Constitutional Conservative, I am quite critical of many Republicans, but this election I’m putting these issues aside, and I implore you to do the same. I’m a strong advocate for evaluating each candidate as an individual based on principles you align yourself with; I’ve even left some Republican lines empty on the ballot because I didn’t agree with them, but this election is different. This isn’t a normal election.
The 2018 midterm is a firewall for the president; this election is to protect the 2016 election. The Democratic party seeks to reverse the results of a constitutionally elected president simply because they don’t like him. This is a dangerous precedent and not how the Framers intended our republic to work.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, an impeached President Trump, is this the future you really want? This isn’t a scare tactic; this is the reality if Republicans don’t get out to vote.
Economic growth, Supreme Court confirmations, repealing regulations, border and national security, immigration, tax reform, putting America first, if you cared about these things in 2016, then 2018 is no different. Donald Trump may not be on the ballot, but his policies are.
The traditionally Republican (R+7) 12th District in Ohio just had a special election in August. The Republican won by a margin of less than 2,000 votes: (R)50.1 percent to (D)49.3 percent. Around 40 percent of registered Republicans turned out compared to over 87 percent of registered Democrats: almost 9 out of 10. If this trend continues, Republicans will lose 2018. This is unacceptable.
Regardless of my past grievances with some candidates, I’m voting straight Republican to protect the president and the Constitution of the United States. Every vote counts. Democrats learned that lesson in 2016. Let’s not make the same mistake and lose what great progress we have made.
Conservative radio talk show host Mark Levin put it best, “I have one question now for my representative, just one. Are you going to follow the Constitution, not vote to impeach the President? Well, for this midterm election, that’s enough.”
Taylor Eaton