520 vehicle crashes investigated
From Jan. 1 through March 31, the Ohio State Highway Patrol reported a total of 520 vehicle crashes investigated in Tuscarawas County. Of the 520 crashes investigated this quarter, Tuscarawas County experienced one fatal crash with one fatality.
“By looking at the crash statistics from this quarter, we know that 26% of drivers were not wearing a seat belt, one of which resulted in a fatality,” said Abbie Benton, Safe Communities program coordinator for the Tuscarawas County Health Department. “One of our top priorities is to increase seat-belt usage through continued education throughout our county.”
Led by the Safe Communities coordinator at the Tuscarawas County Health Department, the Safe Communities Coalition conducts traffic-safety media campaigns, coordinates events and activities, and distributes educational materials to help prevent fatal traffic crashes and injuries from occurring in the county. The coalition also focuses on educating the driving population of Tuscarawas County about impaired driving, seat-belt use, distracted driving and motorcycle awareness.
Members of the Safe Communities Coalition meet quarterly to review the traffic fatalities and identify any trends or measures that can be taken to prevent future traffic fatalities in Tuscarawas County. To learn more about the Safe Communities project, visit www.tchdnow.org/safe-communities.html or email healthed@tchdnow.org.
Efforts of the Safe Communities Program are funded through a grant from the Ohio Traffic Safety Office. For more information about OTSO and statewide efforts to improve safety on Ohio’s roadways, visit www.ohiohighwaysafetyoffice.ohio.gov/index.stm.