Expenses approved by trustees
At the Aug. 10 meeting of the Lawrence Township Board of Trustees, trustees were informed additional curb work was required on Lafont Circle. Road Supervisor Chuck McNutt said the cost of an additional 120 feet of curb and the repair of two culverts were added to the bill from Reidl Construction.
Trustees approved the additional cost of $5,720 and also approved a resolution stating the funds are to be deducted from the American Rescue Plan Act funds the township received.
A bid of $29,290 was received from Newton Asphalt to repave the parking lot at the township building. Additional funds of $5,000-$7,000 will be required to have Tuscoat stripe and apply two coats of sealer.
In other matters
Trustee Matt Ritterbeck said he is applying for a grant to purchase a utility vehicle that would require the township to contribute 20% of the total cost. Trustees agreed to provide the funds.
Administrative assistant Martina Mann reported having received the second-quarter check for $766 from Stark-Tuscarawas-Wayne Joint Solid Waste Management for litter management.
Board chairman Don Ackerman said Dee Grossman, director of the Tuscarawas County Convention and Visitors Bureau, provided a presentation on short-term rentals at the township zoning commission meeting on Aug. 7.
Ackerman also said Dollar General is moving ahead with plans to add a center turn lane on state Route 212 for its new location across from the Aultman Orrville Bolivar Health Center.
A resident requested having a deaf child area warning sign for the neighborhood where her granddaughter lives. Trustees approved providing the sign.
The Lawrence Township Board of Trustees meets the second and last Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. at the Charles E. Lundenberger Hall, 10867 Industrial Parkway NW, Bolivar. All meetings are open to the public.