Kellogg voted president of Millersburg Council

Kellogg voted president of Millersburg Council

The Village of Millersburg Council met Monday, Jan. 13.

Several items were discussed during the meeting:

—A public hearing was held to discuss a zoning change for Brodie DeHass’ property on Koch Street.

—On June 8 an old-time band will play turn-of-the-century music at the amphitheater at Deer Run Park. Right after that, the village will close its time capsule.

—The design/review board met Jan. 8 and approved the revised Millersburg Christian Church plans.

—The planning and zoning board met and denied the JH Company LLC’s variance request.

—The street department storage building has a few pieces of fascia and gutters to be hung, and then it will be done.

—The county engineer approved the village’s use of permissive funds for the post office crosswalk project. The village will wait until the weather is better to start demolition and pour concrete.

—Once the weather breaks, the village will repair the sidewalk in front of Troyer’s Sweet Shop and reset the bell that was hit recently.

—In 2024 there were 16 zoning permits, one lot split, three sign permits, five variances, three demolition permits and 13 certificate of appropriateness applications.

—Council passed a resolution supporting the Ohio Municipal League’s challenge of AT&T’s tariff application at the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.

—Council approved the liquor license for Dollar General.

—In light of the fires in California, council member Brad Conn asked about the status of the village’s water supply and what kind of pressure the village has. Village administrator Nate Troyer said the village’s hydrants are flushed annually. He said the village meets the EPA requirements for pressure, has a great source of water and can pump 1,000 gallons a minute. He said most of the village’s local commercial buildings with fire-suppression systems are responsible for having adequate flow for fire suppression.

—Council voted Andrea Kellogg to be president of council for 2025.

—Council decided to continue having meetings on the second and fourth Monday of each month at 7 p.m., except for June, July and August. There will be one meeting during those months, and that will be the second Monday only.

—Framed covers of Ohio Magazine’s Best Hometown 2024-25 featuring Millersburg were presented to Mayor Kelly Hoffee and Taylor Sigler at HDM’s annual meeting on Jan. 9. It is now hanging in council chambers.

—Council was informed that in 2024 Holmes Fire District 1 had 613 calls inside the village of Millersburg. Interim Chief Brian Rafferty was voted to be the new fire chief of District 1 at the fire board meeting on Jan. 9.

—New committee appointments were approved for council, and there were some new resident appointments to committees: design/review board, Jill Eppley; business and housing board, Josh Randolph and Laurisa Arnold; Tree City, Dave Schrock; and Holmes Fire District 1, Chad Curry.

—Hoffee read a State of the Village address.

—The next council meeting is scheduled for Jan. 27 at 7 p.m.

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