Tired of GOP rhetoric, it’s time to move forward

Tired of GOP rhetoric, it’s time to move forward

Letter to the Editor,

A recent letter writer posed the question; who chose Kamala? I know this one — Democrats. Rule 13J of the delegate selection rules has an exception permitting convention delegates to vote — no crowning involved — for the candidate of their choice. Harris received 99% of delegate votes, indicating strong Democratic support for her candidacy.

And while Harris has a cogent policy outline on her website, Trump continues to speak nonsensically and make doomsday declarations. His most recent stunt at Arlington National Cemetery — visiting graves of soldiers he famously labeled as “suckers and losers” — was staged for political purposes. Although specifically prohibited at Arlington, the Trump team filmed a “thumbs up” campaign stunt at the gravesites. Because “thumbs up” implies approval, were attendees endorsing the soldiers’ deaths? The enabling family members have some serious apologies to make to other families with loved ones in section 60. Recently, ten retired top U.S. military officials endorsed Harris, saying she is the “only candidate fit to serve as the nation’s commander in chief” while labeling Trump as a “danger to our national security and democracy.” Enough said, the choice is clear.

Regarding the oft repeated question, are you better off now than four years ago? My answer is a resounding yes. Retirement accounts show healthy earnings, gas is $3.18 a gallon, and a homemade pasta dinner for four can be had for less than $5. Crime is down — look at the statistics — and COVID is no longer killing thousands. During the previous administration, our adversaries, Xi and Putin, manipulated the diplomatically naïve Trump, and our allies regularly mocked Trump’s administration. Voters need to opt out of the same tiresome, catastrophizing rhetoric of the GOP and instead do something to move the country forward on Nov 5.

Kim R. Finer


Letters to the Editor must be 300 words or less, should include name and place of residence, and include no personal attacks. Letters will be published based on availability of space, and AloNovus Corp. reserves the right not to publish and to edit for clarification purposes. Letters should be emailed to Editor Mike Plant at mplant@alonovus.com.

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