Dover Knights of Columbus receive the Star Award

Dover Knights of Columbus receive the Star Award

The Dover Knights of Columbus Council #1973 has received the Star Award from the Supreme Council of the Knights of Columbus for its programs and accomplishments in the 2023-24 fraternal year.

Established 105 years ago, the Dover Knights of Columbus at St. Joseph Church was one of 66 councils out of 400 in Ohio to receive the Star Award.

The council received the award for its charitable works, education and social welfare programs; protecting human life; preserving and defending family life; and encouraging Catholic men age 18 and older to live their faith in the community, parish, home and at work.

Among the programs that contributed to earning the Star Award are the following:

—Donating $5,100 in the community for charitable activities such as Dress a Child for School and Coats for Kids.

—Leading the recitation of the rosary for the preservation of life from conception to natural death at weekend masses.

—Activities for children that included essay and poster contests, a soccer challenge, a free-throw contest, a donation of 110 member hours to the local food pantry, a $3,100 donation to Challenger Softball for developmentally disabled children and adults in the community, and a baby bottle fundraising effort for pregnant women in need.

Grand Knight Larry Cihon said the council is honored to receive the Star Award.

“Our next effort will be to launch a membership campaign to continue our activities,” Cihon said. “Joining the Knights of Columbus empowers Catholic men to live their faith and support the Catholic Church in its mission to help the poor and needy, to support life, as well as becoming involved in the community.”

Call or email Cihon at 330-365-0393 or

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