Deppert elected president of AC-WH JVSD BOE
The Ashland County-West Holmes Joint Vocational School District Board of Education met Jan. 16 in the Career Center Board Room for the organizational, budget and regular January meetings.
Scholarship offered to teachers
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International will offer one scholarship to college students.
Students get top placings at regionals
Members of Buckeye Career Center’s HOSA Future Health Professionals chapter have qualified for the Ohio HOSA State Leadership Conference following top placings at regionals.
BCC seeking nominations for Alumni of the Year
The Buckeye Career Center Foundation, which annually awards scholarships to graduating BCC students, is seeking nominations for the 2025 Alumni of the Year.
Triway’s Raber desires to leave a lasting impact on today’s youth
This “Teacher Spotlight” highlights Megan Raber.
Applications now open for Roy S. Bates Scholarship
Applications are being accepted until March 15 for the 32nd annual Roy Bates Scholarship Award.
Delphian Chorale will deliver Singing Valentines
The Delphian Chorale will deliver Singing Valentines.
School board members honored at BCC
January was School Board Recognition Month, and Buckeye Career Center celebrated its board members for their dedication and commitment to BCC and its students.
Students compete in mock trial
Eighteen students assumed the roles of attorneys and witnesses to participate in an unscripted, simulated trial.
Klink elected president of East Holmes BOE
The East Holmes Local Schools Board of Education met for a regular meeting on Friday, Jan. 10 at the Central Office.
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