UUFWC celebrates 50th anniversary
The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Wayne County recently held a celebration to mark its 50th anniversary.
Originally, a small Wooster-based group met in the 1950s and 1960s under the name Unitarian Fellowship of Wayne County. But in 1972, about a decade after the Unitarians and Universalists merged in the United States, local businessman Lowell Steinbrenner placed a newspaper ad that invited others with similar beliefs to join him in the discussion of founding a Unitarian Universalist Fellowship in Wayne County. Shortly after, 19 charter members met to adopt a constitution.
On June 19, seven of those original members were honored during a ‘70s-themed celebration including a shared meal, trivia contest and top music hits from the decade.
The growing congregation has moved to larger buildings several times over its five-decade history and recently completed a large expansion project at 3186 Burbank Road in Wooster. Sunday services are held at 10 a.m. with religious exploration offered to children during the school year.