4-H Shooting Sports Club pens thank yous

4-H Shooting Sports Club pens thank yous

Members of the Holmes County 4-H Shooting Sports Club wrote thank-you letters to area first responders at a recent meeting.


The Holmes County 4-H Shooting Sports Club met recently at the Eastern Holmes Sportsman Club. The meeting was opened by Vice President Cheyanne Mackey, followed by the U.S. flag pledge led by Lucas Bailey and the 4-H flag pledge led by Kassidy Brumme.

Club members wrote thank-you notes to fire departments in Holmes County and the surrounding area, the Holmes County Sheriff’s Office, the Millersburg Police Department, and other service organizations, then delivered 39 dozen cookies to them.

Club members also added school supplies to school book bags to donate to Holmes County elementary schools.

For more information on the Homes County 4-H Shooting Sports Program, call the OSU Extension at 330-674-3015 or contact Patricia Ann Lang at 6356 County Road 51, Big Prairie, OH 44611; 330-275-7578; or patricia.lang1950@gmail.com.

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