Change the direction of your family
- Amber Miller: A Word of Truth
- May 20, 2018
- 2367
I love how we can hear from God at any time of the day, not just when we are in church, reading our Bibles or in silence in our prayer closet. I have fellowship with him throughout my day, and I believe he does the same back to us, whether we do it first or not. Today God spoke to me during a menial task — hanging out laundry — and I knew he wanted me to write about it.
I felt God impressing upon me that he wants to raise up believers to change the direction of their family tree. Many people get locked in to a lifestyle because it is the environment they have been raised in, but God wants to use his children to forever make an impact and course correction in the present and future generations.
You may not personally be able to change the entire world, but if each Christian would believe God wants to use them to change their family and be willing to be used by him, the effects of that would go on for generations and make a ripple effect throughout the world.
I feel the call to tell believers to repent. This does not mean confess all your sins as the term has been so often used in Christian circles to mean, but rather it means to change your thinking. We need to change our thinking in order for our circumstances to change.
Just like I wrote about in my last column, start thinking bigger. God is bigger than the environment you have grown up in. God is bigger than the family junk that you are carrying. Change your thinking: leave the junk behind and open up your mind to what God wants to do through you for your family.
Maybe you have grown up in a lifestyle of poverty and so you have always had a poverty mindset, barely scraping by from paycheck to paycheck. Start thinking bigger to what God has to say about the matter. He says, “Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the country. Blessed shall you be when you come in, and blessed shall you be when you go out.” — Deuteronomy 28:3, 6.
Start believing everything you set your hand to prospers (Deuteronomy 28:8) and that God has given you the power to get wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18). He doesn’t want you to have a poverty mindset but a blessing mindset, knowing that he supplies all your needs so you don’t have to rely on the government to do so. God wants to use you to bring your family out of poverty and into his blessings, not just so all your needs are met, but also so your family can be a blessing to others as well.
Maybe you think sick because sickness has run rampant down through your family lineage. Your grandma had diabetes, your mom had diabetes and so in your mind that is your destiny. No, change that thinking.
Start thinking that Jesus now lives in you and so sickness has no right to live in you or your family because Jesus took all your sickness. Speak life out of your mouth over your family that you and your family are blessed with health and no longer cursed with sickness. Allow God to use you to change the health of your family.
Perhaps you come from a long line of worriers. I can write about this because it is the environment in which I came from. Worry was a way of life, especially on my dad’s side. I remember when my dad died and it was just my mom and me left from our immediate family.
I wasn’t married yet, and I lived in fear of something happening to her, leaving me left completely alone. She told me nothing was going to happen to her because Jesus was going to keep her safe.
She wasn’t just saying that to console me. She was saying it because she learned God’s promises of protection through his word that are available from the scriptures, and she spoke those promises through his word over herself. She was breaking off this lineage of worrying and turning to faith instead, and that has helped me immensely.
You might have come from a family that has never wanted to have anything to do with God. You feel like a lone ranger whom everyone thinks is a “religious nut.” Don’t judge them but love them. Allow God’s love to flow through you and pray for them.
Believe that you are a light in the darkness and that God wants to use your light to drown out the darkness with family members one by one turning to the truth of Jesus.
No matter what your situation may be, open yourself up to be used by God to make a positive course correction in your family lineage with the results making an eternal impact.
Amber can be reached at or through her AmberRiceMiller Facebook page.