Interviewing do’s and don’ts
- Employment Resource Fund
- August 4, 2019
- 2156
Goodwill Industries of Wayne and Holmes Counties Inc. is a nonprofit corporation that is committed to helping community members reach their full potential through employment, education and training opportunities. This is accomplished through intensive case management, life and work skills training, career exploration, and job-placement and retention services.
Interviewing do’s and don’ts
Interviewing can be a very stressful proposition. The interview is not only a time for the employer to assess the interviewee, but also for the person interviewing to see if this is a company they would want to work for. It is important for both parties to approach this process with care and preparation. Below are some tips that will help you, the interviewee, put your best foot forward.
Make sure you know the exact location of the interview. If you are unfamiliar with the area, go the day before and make sure you can find the building.
Research the company prior to the interview. Make sure you also have reviewed the job posting and are familiar with the duties. Compare your resume and experience with the posting so that you can accurately discuss how you would be perfect for the position.
Make sure you have an appropriate interview outfit and that it is clean and wrinkle-free.
Take care with your appearance. Nails should be clean and hair neatly combed. Arrive no earlier or later than 15 minutes prior to your appointment. If you are delayed, call the interviewer.
Make sure you have the interviewer’s name and contact information with you.
When you are greeting the interviewer, introduce yourself, extend your hand, and give a firm and confident handshake.
Let the interviewer set the pace. Let them lead the questions at first.
Make appropriate eye contact with those in the interview.
Ask questions about the position.
The top questions to ask include:
What is the single biggest challenge facing the company/department today? What skills and experiences would make an ideal candidate? What does success look like here? What is the company’s approach to failure? What’s your management style?
Let the interviewer decide when the interview is over.
Make sure to ask the interviewer when you will hear from him or her again.
At the end of the interview, shake hands with the interviewer and let them know you are very interested in the position and are looking forward to hearing from the company again.
As soon as possible following the interview, send an email to the interviewer thanking them for the opportunity to speak with them. Reiterate how excited you are about the position and how you think your skills and abilities would be a good match.
In the prior section we talked about what to do. Here are a few tips on what you should not do during an interview.
Don’t overdue the cologne, perfume or makeup. Don’t be late. Leave your cell phone in the car. Don’t chew anything during the interview. Do not use slang or foul language. Don’t look at your watch during the interview. Don’t lie about anything. If you have a felony or other legal issues that might show up on a background check, be honest. Don’t let the employer find them out in the background-check process.
Please don’t criticize a former employer in the interview. Be objective instead of complaining or bad-mouthing. Never ask about salary or benefits at the first interview.
You may need to go on several interviews to find the job that best suits your personality, skills and abilities. Don’t be discouraged if you get a rejection. Keep on applying.
You should feel free to access the lab at Ohio Means Jobs Wayne County, which is located at 358 W. North St. in Wooster. Any community member can access assistance with resume writing, job searching, and other training and services. This service is free to the community and can be accessed weekdays.
Susan Gorman is the vice president of Human Resources and Mission Services at Goodwill Industries.