Low pressure will drive a home occupant straight up the wall

Low pressure will drive a home occupant straight up the wall

One of the fist things my mother checked before we committed to a new house was the water pressure. She would head straight for a sink and turn on the cold water full blast. If that passed her test, she then turned on the hot water spigot and observed the result. If the water didn’t gush out with respectable force, we left that house.

I remember mother’s lessons and did the same. I checked water pressure in any house we would be considering. The one time I forgot that lesson, we got a house with water pressure at best a dribble. Low pressure will drive a home occupant straight up the wall. Before getting into a nice, hot shower, be prepared to barely get wet. It will take awhile to rinse off the soap, so a five-minute shower will take at least 20 minutes.

We know there must be a leak somewhere to cause this problem, but the house is being very protective of her pipes. It’s frustrating to say the least. We have tried to explain to our new place that adequate water pressure is a necessity, but so far she isn’t listening. 

Plumbing problems are a royal pain in the pipes. It affects everything, from bathing, to cleaning, to cooking. When the plumber arrived recently, we welcomed him with open arms. He searched and searched for the pressure problem but to no avail.

But plumbers are persistent, and he will eventually find the problem, and it will hopefully be fixable. Then all spigots will pour forth, and everyone in the house will rejoice including the occupants.

Brand-new houses don’t yet know the ways of the housing world. They think looks are everything. Our new place is very pretty, but she has a lot to learn. We will stick by her and try to teach her how to be a real livable house. She seems to be intelligent, and once she gets over herself, she should become a gracious abode fit to live in. Just hope it doesn’t take too long.

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