Sherry's Book Corner

Sherry's Book Corner

Hello everyone! I hope you are all well and enjoying the gifts of spring! The birds are so busy building their nests, just watching them makes me tired. Of course, I am just kidding. I love waking up every morning with the birds as they sing outside our windows. Then, when Randy and I have our coffee and breakfast outside they keep us company. As I see it, it is a great way to start our day! I’m sure you all know what we are going to celebrate this Sunday... Mother’s Day!

I think you will enjoy these short stories about what others think about their moms. If you are like me, they will touch your heart in one way or another. I found something in common with the story written by Kathy Marotta. She entitled it The Letter. It is found on page 208. For those of you who are new readers to my columns, I am an only child. My dad’s name was Marv and my mom’s name was Jean. They were both 18 when they were married. My mom gave birth to me when they were 22. We were a nice family and we loved each other.

Both of my parents were hard workers. They both held full time jobs. However, my mom dealt with many health issues. At a young age, I learned how to help take care of my mom alongside of my dad. We learned how to dress wounds and make sure she had her medicines at just the right times. In her last few months of life, she moved in with Randy and I at our home here in Carrollton. I am thankful we were able to nurture and love her as we kept close watch over her.

After she passed away, I came across a box with my name on it in one of my bedroom drawers. Inside was my birthday card for the following year. Also, a perpetual calendar. It is called ‘A Daughter is A Special Gift’. The dictionary says this about the word perpetual: 1.) Continuing for all time and 2.) Happening continually; repeated ceaselessly. I keep this calendar on my desk and read it every morning. And, when we travel, it is one of the first things I pack to take along. A mother’s love...continuing for all time.

Until next time, Happy Mother’s Day to all of you!

Your friend,


Sherry Kline Bolitho

Adult Book

Title: Chicken Soup for the Soul. Thanks Mom. 101 Stories of Gratitude, Love, and Good Times.

Authors: Mixed

Publisher: Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC

Price: $14.95

Available at the Carroll County District Library

There are nine chapters that make this book a delight to read and ponder. Following in Her Footsteps, Mom Knows Best, Making Sacrifices, Favorite Moments, Mom to the Rescue, What Goes Around, One of a Kind, Gifts of the Heart, and My Mother’s Legacy.

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