Never forget those who sacrificed all for our country


God has imbued in our hearts a love for freedom. When our country was founded, God seen to it that we were able to form a group willing to fight for and maintain our freedom – our Armed Forces. Memorial Day is set aside to honor that group of men and women.

The world soon began to look at this new country as protectors of freedom and we soon found that fate of the 20th in our hands when we entered World War I. After the end of that war there was a deep conviction and almost universal hope that peace would reign in the world forever. This was truly the heart’s desire of all the people in the United States.

We love peace – but – not peace at any price. Hitler, Mussolini and Hirohito were out to set up a reign of terror throughout the earth, overthrow every form of human freedom, destroy the Church and State and revert to an absolute ruler as in the medieval times.

We should never forget those who went out to face those vicious dictators during World War II. Because of them – our country and most of the world had their freedom.

Then Korea came along – during World War II – we made a promise to Korea that we would help them become a free and independent nation. We kept our promise. Even though our citizens did not understand a limited war, we were blessed with young men and women who were willing to fight for the freedom of others. Our Lord took more souls home in that three-year war than those lost in ten years in Vietnam.

Vietnam – South Vietnam feared invasion from the Communist North and sued for their independence at a Peace Conference held at Geneva Switzerland in 1954. Our President then made a speech about how we need to stop the spread of Communism in the Far East.

It was then decreed at that conference that henceforth there would be two states in Vietnam - one in the north under Communist rule and one in the south under Democratic rule. When the Communist invaded the South, our troops were sent over to uphold our country’s promise and a long war ensued.

While growing up, my heroes were those who fought to free the world during the World Wars I and II. However, the veterans I have a deep respect for are those who fought in the Vietnam War. Not because they were any better, but because of the conditions under which they faithfully served.

During that war it seemed as though all of their fellow citizens turned against them as they attempted to uphold our country’s promise. Our media wrote terrible articles about them – never about the good things they accomplished, and there were many. I know because I was involved in the people to people program.

A famous movie star went to North Vietnam and demonstrated against us by turning the Communist’s big guns toward us. She later was voted the woman of the year. A young upcoming politician went to Russia to demonstrate against us and he later became our President. Men were fleeing to Canada to avoid the draft. Colleges were giving classes on how to avoid the draft. All our service men and women were advised to not wear their uniforms when going off the base.

Our politicians caved in to the crowd and began to put many foolish restrictions on us like (you must not shoot till you’ve been shot at). They put so many restrictions on us till we finally had to quit a war where we never lost a battle. They wanted the peoples vote more than they wanted to uphold our country’s promise. However, our Service men and women remained true to their country regardless of the treatment they received. (Our Police are having a similar period of restriction put on them now).

Since that time our young warriors have fought war after war fighting for freedom loving people throughout the world. They are out on the battlefield this very moment risking their lives that we may live in a relatively free nation. May God be with them, bless them and keep them from harm.

In the long and honored history of America there are those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, that last full measure of devotion. That’s what they gave to the cause. The last full measure of devotion – though they cannot hear our applause – We honor them forever and keep alive their story – we give them all the glory. And for those of us who did survive and came back alive – we join with our comrades and highly resolve that they did not die in vain.

Charles R. Pearson is the Chaplain for the Malvern Legion Post 375 and Carrollton VFW Post 3301

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