Reflecting on why we celebrate


As you all know, the Christmas season is upon us, although it may be over with by the time you read this. I’ve really tried to reflect upon the real reason for the season lately and not get caught up with the hustle and bustle of it all.

I do a lot of writing about the finished work of Christ, which happened at the cross and later at his resurrection from the grave. I’ve talked about how hard it had to have been knowing what he would have to go through at the cross, all the pain and suffering he would bear for all our sins and sicknesses, but he did it anyway. It took a mighty act of love on his part to go through that for us.

But as I was reflecting on the true meaning of Christmas, I couldn’t help but think about the incredible humility and love it took for Jesus to come to earth in the first place.

Can you imagine living in Heaven, where it is completely perfect: streets of gold, colors more vivid than we can imagine, angels all around singing praises to God, a place of complete peace and joy with no sin, sickness, pain or anything bad at all?

I know if it was me, I wouldn’t want to leave that place, especially not to come to a fallen world like we live in.

He rightfully knew ahead of time how it would be and how he would be treated while on earth. He knew he would come as a baby, not able to do anything for himself at the beginning. What an act of humbleness.

He knew he would have to grow in wisdom and stature (Luke 2:52). He knew many would dishonor him, thinking he was just like anyone else (Mark 6:4). He knew he would get resistance from the religious sect over every move he made. He knew people would be jealous of the mighty works he did, leading to his eventual crucifixion.

He also knew how it would be after his time on earth was past, after he was reunited with the Father. He knew when it came to his birthday, people would find a way to celebrate without recognizing him as the reason we celebrate. He knew some people would intentionally call it a holiday instead of Christmas because either they were afraid to offend someone by actually saying Christmas or were offended themselves by it.

He knew people would get all wrapped up with decorations and buying gifts and forget the real reason we celebrate. He knew people would take his name in vain, disrespecting him and anyone who serves him every chance they would get. He knew the awful, vile things people would say about him.

But he came anyway. He left that perfect place where he dwelt with his Father and came to this broken, fallen world. John 1:10-11 says, “He was in the world, and the world was made through him, and the world did not know him. He came to his own, and his own did not receive him.”

I was brought to tears reflecting on it. “Jesus, how could you still come knowing how awful you would be treated and disrespected? How could you leave the wonder of Heaven to come to this broken, fallen world?”

And he reminded me it was love, a love so deep, so beautiful that my mind can’t wrap itself around it, a love so selfless, so divine, not driven by a response by the created, but only an intentional love by the creator, a love that is so humble he would give of himself completely to passionately pursue his children.

It is my prayer that during this Christmas season you would make it a priority to reflect upon the real reason for the season. Meditate on the humble yet overwhelming love of Jesus, a love that none of us deserve, yet he gives it anyway. And make sure to thank him for it. That is why we celebrate, and he is more than worthy of all our praise.  

Amber can be reached at or through her AmberRiceMiller Facebook page.

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