The joys of moving

The joys of moving

This week we say goodbye to our lovely house and downsize to a much smaller place. We have met the new house, and we seem to be compatible. That’s a good sign to begin a house/occupant relationship. Though it’s never easy to leave a place you love, it is exciting to begin a relationship with a new place.

But between us and that new place is the moving part, not easy, not fun, exhausting. My Taller Half has spent weeks packing up our belongings, and it will probably take weeks to unpack. In the process we will very likely find things we forgot we had and lots of things we no longer want or need. That is the plus/minus side of moving.

What has fit nicely in this house may not find a home in the new place. Art work that this house has loved may not be as welcomed in the new place. We can only hope that our new abode is fond of dogs. Our two pups are rather nervous living with boxes everywhere and will have to spend the day with friends on moving day. Dogs are known to get rather irate when people come into their house and try to remove things. 

Eventually all the turmoil will end. This house will welcome new occupants, and we will be welcomed in turn by our new place. It may take awhile, but eventually all the boxes will be opened, their contents will find their places in the new house and life will get back to as normal as it has ever been.

It will be such a relief to get settled again. We should have a week or two of calm in our new house before the urge to make changes occurs, changes such as adding a porch, digging flower gardens or perhaps adding a shed. Living with too much calm is boring.

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