Bringing dogs to a cat fight

Bringing dogs to a cat fight

The calendar promises spring is right around the corner.

With that warmer weather will come storms that send rumbles of thunder and
flashes of lightning to brighten our nights. None of our household members handle nighttime noises well, especially our dogs. When a storm approaches with all the booming and flashing, they whimper and crawl under our bed or scratch at the closet doors attempting to hide in those dark spaces. Even if the storm has not awakened us, our scared pups will.

Thunderstorms with lightning are rare occurrences during the winter months, but they have happened. Happily, those noisy events are short-lived.

However, last night we had a different nighttime disturbance. Taller Half was awakened by the loud, high-pitched shrieks of two cats confronting each other. We know we have a couple of feral felines in our neighborhood but have never heard such cries until last night.

Our dogs, of course, were immediately infuriated by the noise being created by
those unwelcome creatures right outside our bedroom windows. Both dogs rushed to the front door, barking at the top of their lungs, begging to go outside and defend their yard from those screaming invaders. With the fighting cats outside and the hysterical barking dogs inside, it’s a wonder the whole neighborhood hadn’t been awakened.

Needless to say our dogs were denied participation in the cat fight, and with multiple
treats on offer, they eventually were able to quiet down to the low, rumbling growl level. The next morning Taller Half and I slipped outside to inspect our yard for the remains of that noisy fight. Thankfully, that battlefield was clear.

Then we felt comfortable bringing our dogs out. Both canines immediately put their noses to the ground and began to search their yard for any sign of the intruders. They looked and sniffed all around the shed, investigated under the porch and found nothing. After all that, they seemed to lose interest and made it clear they were ready to be served their breakfast.

Taller Half and I are relieved there were no dead or wounded fighters to be found this morning and are sincerely hopeful the combatants are now at peace and or have moved into another neighborhood to contest their differences.

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