We’re on the move (and hopefully soon)

We’re on the move (and hopefully soon)

So many things to say in such a small space. First, let me give a shoutout to all of you in our community. During this time of pandemic, you have proven the kindness and generosity of the Christian spirit.

Some went above and beyond to help others who were out of work and even now are struggling to feed their families and pay their bills — people like Harvey Mast of Harvey’s Market, who in his humble spirit will first give credit to God’s provision, who opened his market not only to share with those in need, but also allowed others to contribute to the cause. Many, many others in like fashion, too numerous to name, are giving as Jesus taught in his ministry. Thanks.

Hunting seasons are just around the corner, and even with retiring and moving to Kentucky, I’m still showing signs of withdrawal. As I shared previously, any groundhog stupid enough to stick his head out of his hole is going to regret it.

I have been in contact with our outfitter in South Africa, and maybe, just maybe, this fall we can still go on our second safari. Like us, they are in a crisis for tourism and need tourist dollars to survive. Delta Airlines has slowly been opening up travel but has cut capacity to 60% on their planes and has allowed any previous flights that have been canceled due to the virus to be rescheduled all the way into 2022. We’ll just have to be patient.

Speaking of retirement, it’s been 2 1/2 months since I retired from Millersburg Tire Service, and although I don’t get up quite as early in the morning, I am as busy, if not more so, than when I had a job. We still are boxing up our “stuff” and loading them into two “pods” to be shipped to our new house. This actually has been kind of a game I made, kind of like Tetris, to see which box will fit which gap and stuff it all in.

So in accessing our frozen-foods inventory, my wife asked me nicely to “get that stupid goose out of my freezer,” which I have been waiting to take to my taxidermist friend Dan Clark from Millwood to mount for me.

So off I went to see Dan, who also has two of my large turkeys ready to mount for me. He asked me, in light of our new house, if I wanted to change how they were mounted. After a few creative minutes of scenarios, we came up to have one standing on our great room cross beam cackling after the other as the second one flies down toward the floor. A close friend told me, “They have therapy for people like you.” Love it.

I have to send a couple big thank yous to Millersburg Tire Service for all they have done for us. Through good times and bad, Brad and Diane Schmucker and Brandon and Brittany have always treated us like family. They had a reception for me at the tire shop last week with refreshments and presented me with a new Kawasaki Mule 4010 side-by-side four-seater. I had been looking to buy one since I saw it in the Exodus Cycle booth at the Mt. Hope Outdoor Show.

Nate and Craig of Exodus got together with the Schmuckers and set it aside for me, hoping I wouldn’t buy one somewhere else. Thanks Millersburg Tire and Exodus Cycles.

Now we feverishly await all the legal paperwork to be done to head to our new house, which is located 23 miles south of Grayson, Kentucky, just north of Sandy Hook. Actually, if you Google Earth a very small “burg” call Newfoundland, Kentucky, you are close to our home.

I have had so many positive comments (and negative also) and been called brave, courageous, stupid, crazy, all of those things. But it is as Jesus asked his disciples to sell their possessions and follow him. By no means do I compare myself to the dedication and danger the disciples put themselves in to follow Christ, but when God has a path for your life, he will reveal it to you if you seek his guidance.

This is our path. All things will be revealed as we enter this new journey in life. Please pray for our journey.

More to come. God bless.

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