Be careful, decongestants can dehydrate

Be careful,  decongestants can dehydrate

There are parts of Ohio that the Native Americans would not even settle because of the heavy springtime pollen count. I think my neighborhood may be one of those regions. I love the flowering trees, but the added pollen is my enemy.

Poems have been written about the sights and the sounds of springtime. Unfortunately, my sinuses become clogged with an allergic reaction to the aromatic beauty that comes with springtime.

There are multiple methods and treatments to declog the drainage ducts in my head. A brisk, salty saline spray to each nostril is like power washing congested vessels. Over-the-counter and prescription medications are lifelines to nasal breathing. I pop those pills like M&Ms under the supervision of my physician.

In the small print on those decongestants, there is a fine line that states some of the possible side effects include dehydration and constipation. Beware of this. About 60% of our weight is water. Nearly every process that occurs in our body relies on water.

When with treatment the dam of sinus mucus opens, a steady drip and runny nose deplete fluid in the body. Tissues become saturated with sneezes and nasal drainage. This robs other organs of the water needed to function.

This process sounds so simple and logical, but few people connect the dots. Dehydration symptoms include headache, thirst, dry mouth, crankiness, dry skin, dizziness and constipation.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is hard to tell if it is from clogged sinuses, the medication or not drinking enough fluid. As a person ages, the sense of thirst diminishes, and relying on feeling thirsty is not a reliable way to stay hydrated.

Over the past weekend, I began to feel drained, had a headache, was a bit cranky and felt like my sinuses were filled with concrete. I noticed the color of my urine was darker. Flashing lights began to go off in my brain, and red flags were signaling dehydration was the issue.

I had not compensated for additional fluid with the heavy use of decongestants. Sluggish didn’t even begin to describe how I felt. I was beginning to feel like a dried-up prune.

Then I just added water. My body soaked up the fluids like a dry sponge. My headache gradually disappeared, my glass was half full instead of half empty and trips to the bathroom were not part of a nightmare.

Since the weekend I have been drinking approximately a gallon of fluid daily. I count my morning tea and milk in that amount. Depending on a person’s size and body composition, approximately 64-96 ounces of new fluid is needed daily to maintain a hydrated state. Some need more. Because I take decongestants daily, I have increased my fluid intake, and I feel better.

Eating more daily fruits and vegetables also can provide a significant portion of additional water. Many of these foods are 90-99% water by weight. Bring on springtime and fill up my cup.

Bobbie Randall is a registered, licensed dietitian. Email her at

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