District-owned property to be sold to Bolivar
The Tuscarawas Valley Board of Education passed a resolution for the sale of district-owned property in Bolivar at the Jan. 13 meeting. The Village of Bolivar passed a resolution on Jan. 2 to purchase the property of the former Tuscarawas Valley Intermediate School from the school district.
“We are entering into an agreement to sell the property to the Village of Bolivar for $1,” Superintendent Derek Varansky said.
In another matter the board approved the Tusky Valley Aultman Clinic renovation project bid submitted by Massillon Construction and Supply of Canton at a total cost of $1,102,729, which was the lowest and most responsible bid. There will be a nurse practitioner, two nurses and two receptionists at the facility. No district funds will be used for the clinic.
David Green gave an overview for the Tusky Valley Senior Center to hold a soft opening Feb. 4-6 from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 4-6 p.m. for those working. The senior center will be located in the former high school. The cost for membership is $10 a year. Nancy Raber is the site manager. The center is open for those age 50 and over, and information is available on the Facebook page, Tusky Valley Senior Center.
The board also did the following:
—Elected Amy Burrier, board president, and Sally Green, vice president. Dick Gooding, outgoing president, thanked the board for trusting him to lead the board for two years.
—Agreed to hold regular meetings the second Monday of each month at 6 p.m. in the community board room.
—Established a service fund of $5,000 to pay expenses incurred by the board members for performance of their duties.
—Set the board members compensation at $125 per meeting for 12 meetings only. Board members will received compensation of $60 a day for training up to three hours per day and $125 per day for more than three hours of training for attending the Ohio School Boards Association Conference and other conferences or board member duties.
—Approved 21 annual board resolutions.
—Held the first reading of the 2025-26 proposed district calendar that will be approved Feb. 12. The first day for students in first grade through 12th grade is Aug. 20, and the last day for students is May 28. Varansky said this will align with other districts.
—Granted a one-year supplemental coaching contract to Chase Cooper, baseball; Brian Finney, boys track; and Mandy McElwee, girls track, all head coaches.
—Granted one-year supplemental contracts to contracted employees Staci Martin, head softball; Corey Johnson, assistant wrestling; Donnie Jones and Mitch Woodhall, assistant baseball; and Andrew Reichman, assistant softball.
—Approved the 2025 annual membership dues for the OSBA at $5,733 and legal assistance for $250.
—Named The Bargain Hunter as the school’s official newspaper.
—Accepted 13 donations and grants ranging from $100-$3,714.
—Rescinded the supplemental contracts for Christian Wertz, assistant wrestling, and Aaron Martel, wrestling volunteer, approved at the Dec. 9 meeting.
—Amended Seth Johnson’s supplemental contract from assistant wrestling volunteer to splitting the middle school stipend.
Other information
The board thanked Katy Johnson for her years serving as a board member. Gooding said Johnson is an advocate for public education. She resigned from the board, effective Jan. 13.
Aaron Stump was presented the Trojan Pride Award. He has been volunteering for seven years, announces play-by-play of football games, and does music to announce basketball and other sports.
The board recognized Student of the Month recipients Aaron Murphy, high school; Aster Blackwell, fine artist; Tyler Wiseman, athlete; Evan Skufea, 11th grade; Natalia Wolech, 10th grade; Ethan Cuddy, ninth grade; Callie Brown, eighth grade; and Charley Dixon, seventh grade.
The board was recognized in appreciation of Board Recognition Month.
The next meeting will be Feb. 12 at 6 p.m. in the Community Board Room, 2637 Tusky Valley Road NE, Zoarville.