Early morning meeting held
The Tuscarawas Valley Board of Education held an early morning meeting on Nov. 21 to pass some items prior to the Dec. 11 regular board meeting. The meeting was changed from Nov. 20.
The board passed a resolution to approve a School Based Health Center Grant Memorandum of Understanding with the Orrville Hospital Foundation via Aultman Orrville Hospital. The hospital is applying for grant funding to improve the availability of healthcare services at school-based health centers in the community and promote construction of onsite brick and mortar health clinics located on school campuses. The hospital’s mission is to support healthcare needs of populations in Northeast Ohio, which includes Wayne, Carroll and Tuscarawas counties.
The board also did the following:
—Approved the five-year forecast and related assumptions as prepared by treasurer Mark Phillips and will be submitted to the state by Nov. 30.
—Granted a one-year supplemental contract to Katie Burrier, middle school girls basketball volunteer, with a supplemental donation of $2,500 from Aaron Hawkins, seventh-grade girls basketball coach.
The board will hold a special meeting with a work session on Dec. 11 at 5:30 p.m., followed by the regular meeting at 6 p.m., in the Elementary Trojan Center at 2624 Tusky Valley Road in Zoarville.