HCGHD sponsoring tai chi for arthritis class
The Holmes County General Health District is sponsoring an eight-week tai chi for arthritis class. Class will be held Wednesdays and Fridays from Sept. 6 through Oct. 27 from 11 a.m. to noon.
The instructor will be Cheryl Seabright. Class will be held at Cheryl’s L.I.F.E. Fitness Studio, 2448 state Route 83, Millersburg. The class is offered for free.
There is no walk-in registration. Everyone who would like to participate in the program must preregister by calling Kerry MacQueen at the health district at 330-674-5035 ext. 251. There will only be 14 participants involved in the class.
Tai chi for arthritis incorporates exercises that improve muscle strength, flexibility and fitness. The program also focuses on weight transference, which improves balance and prevents falls. Tai chi for arthritis can be done seated or standing. You don’t have to have arthritis to participate.