Learn more about ticks and disease
The New Philadelphia City Schools, in partnership with the Tuscarawas Park Department and the Ohio State University Extension, will host Exploring Ticks and Tick-Borne Illnesses in Tuscarawas County on Wednesday, April 10 from 6-9 p.m. at New Philadelphia High School.
The event will feature presentations on the ecology of ticks and tick-borne pathogens from Dr. Risa Pesapane, director of the Parasite and Pathogen Ecology Lab at the Ohio State University, and on diagnosing tick-borne illnesses by Dr. Leanne Garrett, a public health entomologist with the Ohio Department of Health.
New Philadelphia High School students involved in New Philadelphia’s Appalachian Ohio Tick Project will host a variety of learning stations where attendees can use microscopes to learn to identify medically important tick species, observe different tick life stages and their seasonal occurrence, learn how to enjoy the outdoors and avoid getting bitten by ticks, and observe how the students at NPHS collect and test ticks for pathogens.
This event is free and sponsored by New Philadelphia City Schools, Ohio State University Extension Tuscarawas County, the Tuscarawas Park Department and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.