Dover Middle School student remembers our veterans
Sierra Sandy, 12, a Dover Middle School seventh-grader, never could have guessed she would be surprised with a district award at the VFW women’s auxiliary Christmas party Wednesday, Dec. 16.Sierra wrote an essay for the Patriot’s Pen, a youth essay contest designed to encourage students to voice their opinion on democracy. This year’s topic, “When is the right time to honor our military heroes?”, was particularly poignant for her, as both of her grandfathers are military veterans from World War II and Korea.
In her essay she wrote, “I believe the right time to honor military heroes is now. Those who serve our country today need our support now – not just on November 11th, Veterans Day.”
Sierra and her family were invited as guests of honor to the Christmas party, but were unaware that she had won at the district level. When auxiliary president Cindy Ulrich revealed the surprise, she was all smiles.
“I’m excited,” she said, as she looked over the $100 check written in her name. The check, given to her by the district, accompanied a $100 savings bond from the women’s auxiliary as her prize. Her award marks the first at the district level for the Dover VFW post.
“I’m proud,” said Barb Sandy, Sierra’s mother. “She came to me the night before it was due and said, ‘I really want to enter this contest’ and when I read what the topic was, I thought, well, she does have family that has served our country and she seems to be passionate about it.”
That passion was obvious as Sierra sat across the table from her grandfather, Bob Marinelli. She explained that she decided to write about the topic to honor family members that have served in past wars. “It’s all about past, present, and future veterans and how they serve our country,” she said.
Ulrich said she was “thrilled” with the impressive essay written by Sierra and the district award. And in her words, the essay only helps the younger generation understand the military. “The men coming out of the service don’t really talk about it. They could be out 20 or 25 years and you didn’t even know they were in the service. But this essay gets young people investigating.”
Sierra expressed how she has always liked children and hopes to pursue a career in early childhood education, but will keep writing in the back of her mind as a possible choice for the future. She has won several essay contests to date and clearly has a passion for the art.
Pins were awarded at the Christmas party also. Five-year pin recipients included Marie Lorson and Patricia A. Kauffman, both life members, and Barbara Weinhardt. A 10-year pin went to Roberta Jackson, while 20-year pins went to Mary Menges and former secretary Ruth Powell, life members, and Joyce Fabian. Finally, a 40-year pin was awarded to LaVera Stephans, life member, past president, and current treasurer of the women’s auxiliary.