Simple Goods Antique Show should be simply great

Simple Goods Antique Show should be simply great

The Simple Goods Fall 2022 Show will take place Saturday, Nov. 5 at the Heritage Community Center on state Route 62 between Berlin and Winesburg.


The Simple Goods Fall 2022 Show will take place Saturday, Nov. 5 at the Heritage Community Center on state Route 62 between Berlin and Winesburg. The one-day show will take place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

While arts and crafts shows are abundant as the holiday season draws near, Simple Goods will offer a specialized area of crafts with vendors from coast to coast.

“All of the primitive hand-mades we bring on board are USA craftsman made,” show coordinator Christina Hummel said. “It’s folk art that is truly beautiful, but I wouldn’t call it local folk art because we have 50 vendors that come from as far away as the state of Washington to the New England states.”

Because it is such a niche show, Hummel said its uniqueness sets it apart from other shows.

“Our business is a strange one, a very specific one that antiques can become so general in what is available,” Hummel said. “In most shows there is someone selling peanut butter next to a furniture dealer who is next to someone selling Matchbox cars. That’s not who we are. We are a show that specializes in dealing in only country antiques. Because of that, we all know one another, and there is a show circuit of dealers, and we all know each other so well because we go from show to show, even though we are widely spread out all over the U.S.”

She said for the vendors the show is like a reunion, one in which she creates an opportunity for the vendors to gather before the show to share in pizza and ice cream and socialize with one another.

“We have a good time, and I think that translates into visitors sharing in that atmosphere,” Hummel said. “I think I could put this group of vendors together anywhere and our customers would come because our dealers are loved.”

She said not only do they have vendors who travel from far away to attend the show, but also customers who are seeking specific items.

Simple Goods began in 2006 in Mt. Vernon and moved to Mansfield. Several years ago Hummel said the show had outgrown its Mansfield facility, and she began seeking a new venue.

She said she scoured every corner of Ohio, finally finding the Heritage Community Center.

Hummel, who hails from Pennsylvania, said they fell in love with Amish Country in Holmes County and visited the center, finding it to be exactly what they were looking for in a host site.

“It’s such an ideal place for our show because it fits in so well with our theme,” Hummel said.

It will feature a center packed with plenty of options, like handmade primitives, early paint, worn-surface items, stoneware, pantry goods, early American antique pieces and collectible antique furniture, and it will maintain a very Christmas-like atmosphere.

“We’ll have plenty of wreaths, candles and handmade Santas and anything Christmas,” Hummel said. “That theme will be a popular one because we do want to create a kick-off to Christmas atmosphere with our show. Even though we promote it as a fall show, it really is a Christmas show with loads of Christmas spirit. This is always my kick-off to Christmas.”

In addition, she said they have several vendors from the New England states, and they will present some items people in Holmes County might not have seen before.

She said bringing new items like that to this area is part of the joy of this show.

Simple Goods’ drawing power is evident by the length of the line of people at the 9 a.m. opening door time. Hummel said some people wait in line two hours so they can be the first to connect with certain vendors.

Exclusively Yours Catering will be on hand to provide food inside and outside the venue. There will be tables and chairs set up inside for patrons to sit and eat when they aren’t shopping.

Heritage Community Center is located at 3558 U.S. Route 62 between Berlin and Winesburg. Show admission is $5, and parking is free.

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