Take a Hike in September to help raise falls awareness

Take a Hike in September to help raise falls awareness

The Falls Prevention Program of Holmes, Wayne & Ashland, under the guidance of the Holmes County General Health District and the Standing Against Falls Coalition, will host a virtual Take a Hike during the month of September to raise falls awareness in the 60 and over population.


The Falls Prevention Program of Holmes, Wayne & Ashland, under the guidance of the Holmes County General Health District and the Standing Against Falls Coalition, will host a virtual Take a Hike, previously called Walk Across Holmes County, during the month of September to raise falls awareness in the 60 and over population and to promote that falls are not a natural part of aging.

“Now that the Falls Prevention Program is a regional program, the Standing Against Fall Coalition decided to change the name of the month-long event to help promote falls prevention and the importance of daily physical activity to our falls prevention region,” said Kerry MacQueen, Holmes County General Health District’s health educator/injury prevention coordinator. “For the 2023 Walk Across Holmes County, we set an overall walking goal of 2,500 miles. Unfortunately, we fell short of this goal by walking 2,080.5 miles, but every mile that was walked supported the importance of daily physical activity in preventing falls, and that is something to celebrate.

“We had a total of 144 individuals who participated in one or all of the seven trail walks. Our top five walkers had a combined total of 831.5 miles walked. Our 2024 goal remains at 2,500 miles and can be easily obtained with your help.”

Six trail walks will be offered at various sites throughout Holmes County to introduce citizens from Holmes, Wayne and Ashland counties to the trails that are available here in Holmes County. As activities within the new falls region expand, Ashland and Wayne counties will provide similar trail walk opportunities.

“This year we will be adding something new to the trail walks by having fitness stops written on the trail with chalk that will be located at points throughout the length of the trail,” MacQueen said. “This addition will help introduce different basic exercises to help improve strength, improve balance and promote flexibility.”

Participants can come to one or all the trail walks. Arrive any time during the 1 ½-hour trail walk. Walk as far or as long as you want, and individuals can use their steps taken during the walk to go toward the Take a Hike goal. If you prefer not to register but would still like to participate in a trail walk, that is fine. Each walker will get a pedometer to use to track those steps so they can be applied toward the September walking goal. One of the first steps in preventing falls is to become physically active, which is why these trail walks are so important.

“We are partnering with the Ohio Department of Aging, the Ohio Department of Health and the National Council on Aging to mark National Falls Prevention Awareness Week, Sept. 23-28, to promote that falls are not a natural part of aging,” MacQueen said.

Three trail walks will be offered that week including the eighth annual Patriotic Falls Walk, which will be held Sept. 25 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Hipp Station/Millersburg Depot in Millersburg. Plan to arrive for this event at 10 a.m. to participate in all the festivities — entertainment, fall risk screenings, hearing screenings, depression screenings, blood-pressure checks, tobacco screenings and a falls testimony.

Take a Hike trail walk schedule

—Friday, Sept. 6 from 10-11:30 a.m. at Berlin Mennonite Church Trail in Berlin.

—Tuesday, Sept. 10 from 9:30-11 a.m. at Holmes County Home Trail in Holmesville.

—Wednesday, Sept. 18 from 9-10:30 a.m. at Lake Memorial Park Trail in Big Prairie.

—Monday, Sept. 23 from 9-10:30 a.m. at Holmes County BDD Trail in Holmesville.

—Wednesday, Sept. 25 from 10 a.m. to noon for the Patriotic Falls Walk and health screenings at Millersburg Depot/Hipp Station in Millersburg.

—Saturday, Sept. 28 from 10-11:30 a.m. at Clark Community Center Trail in Clark.

Register your commitment to participate in the virtual walk and track your steps or miles during September by going to https://osu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_emTXvExeptLma9M.

You also can register by calling MacQueen at 330-674-5035 ext. 251. Registration will be open until Sept. 18. The Holmes County General Health District and the Standing Against Falls Coalition are committed to empowering adults age 60 and over in Holmes, Wayne and Ashland counties to live a falls-free life.

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