Walk to Remember, Oct. 20
Across the nation during the month of October, National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, thousands of parents, their friends and families, health professionals, clergy, and others affected by the death of a child will be participating in a Walk to Remember.For the 12th consecutive year, to bring awareness to this special month, Toland-Herzig Funeral Homes & Crematory of Dover, New Philadelphia and Strasburg will host the Tuscarawas Valley's Walk to Remember.
This year's event will begin in Toland-Herzig's Dover location, 803 N. Wooster Ave., on Tuesday, Oct. 20, at 7 p.m. After a short program, led by Pastor David Carrick, participants will make a candle-lit remembrance walk to the nearby gazebo and gardens at Warther Museum. Participants will return to the funeral home for closing thoughts and a time of fellowship.
Refreshments will be served, and there is no cost to participate.
Nationally, the walk is dedicated to the memory of the approximately 870,000 babies that die each year through miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth or infant death.
Again this year, the area walk will be even more inclusive. "Each year we gather to remember those children - whether they were lost in pregnancy or lived to be an older adult, and no matter how long they have been gone, the loss of a child is one of life's toughest experiences," noted Toland-Herzig's Tricia Herzig-McKinnon. The first Walk to Remember was held Sept. 26, 1986, at the National Perinatal Bereavement Conference in Chicago, Illinois.
To make a reservation or for information, contact McKinnon at 330-343-6132 or e-mail triciamckinnon@tolandherzig.com.