Bowl at Wayne Lanes to help end domestic violence
If bowling is up your alley, get a team together and support OneEighty's Bowling to End Domestic Violence 2025 event on Saturday, Feb. 1 at Wayne Lanes from noon to 2:30 p.m. Wayne Lanes is located at 1983 Lincoln Way E. in Wooster.
This is the 10th year for the event.
“The Friends of OneEighty Committee wanted to do something during the cold and dreary months that was fun and included the entire family,” said Christy VanSickle, community relations and marketing manager at OneEighty. “Bowling was a great indoor event that people of all ages and all skill levels could play.
“This is a great event to be out of the house for a couple of hours, play with friends, family or co-workers while you bowl to end domestic violence. From gutter ball to professional, all levels are welcome.”
A team consists of five people over age 12. The deadline for a team to participate is Wednesday, Jan. 29. To be recognized on all promotional materials (social media, website, banners and program), the deadline is Jan. 24.
The afternoon also includes a baked goods silent auction that started in 2020. Miss Amy’s, Faithful Little Cupcake, Troyer’s Home Panty, Tulipan Pastry and Coffee Shop, Sweet Glory Home Bake Shop, and Wooster Cheesecakery have participated since the inception. A local baker or bakery interested in donating a baked item should call VanSickle at 330-804-4402. Funds generated from the silent auction are used to support domestic violence and sexual assault services.
Bakers are listed in all programming on the day of the event and highlighted on OneEighty’s social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
“Individuals participating in the silent auction can designate their baked goods to be donated to the emergency shelter,” VanSickle said.
There also is a basket raffle and 50/50. Light snacks are provided, and the concession stand will be open.
The individual cost to participate is $50 per person or $200 per team of five. Individuals without a team are encouraged to call OneEighty's volunteer coordinator Dwight Sprang at 330-804-3312.
Volunteers are needed for setup, teardown, and helping with registration and/or the prize table. Anyone with a passion for OneEighty's mission and an interest in creating and organizing events can become a Friends of OneEighty Committee member. The committee meets once a month on the second Tuesday from 5:30-6:30 p.m. If interested, call Sprang.
Register for bowling online at
OneEighty would like to thank its King Pin sponsors: Kropf Wagner Law Firm LPP, Main Street Bank, Seaman Corporation, Wooster Glass and Wooster Products. A special thanks to Wooster Colorpoint for providing promotional items during the event.