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Important vaccinations for seniors this flu season

Dear Savvy Senior,I usually get a regular flu shot each fall, but would like to find out if the swine flu vaccination or any other preventative shots are being recommended for seniors over 65 this year. What can you tell me? Flu-Conscious PhyllisDear Phyllis,With a rough flu season expected, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is recommending multiple vaccinations for seniors...

Ohio's social host law: Parents serving teens

Q: What does Ohio law say about serving alcohol to minors? Are there any penalties?A: With a few exceptions, no person can sell or furnish alcohol to an underage person in Ohio. Doing so is a first degree misdemeanor, which may result in up to a $1,000 fine and up to six months in jail.Q: What exceptions apply to serving alcohol to underage persons?A: A parent or legal guardian can legally serve...

The fizz on baking soda

The other day I made a batch of chocolate chip pan cookies. My husband took them to work and brought home an empty tray and many stories about the cookies. They were so moist. What was my recipe (back of the chocolate chips bag)? The building secretary had also made a batch of these cookies the night before. And the list goes on.What started all of this? My mother. She called and said something...

Fall sparrow migration is getting into full swing

October is the month when many migrant sparrows pass through Ohio. Some of them stay on and winter with us, while others continue on to the southern U.S. and even to Mexico and Central America. Birders may encounter these sparrows in a wide variety of habitats and some will visit feeders as well. Most of the information contained in this column comes from The Birds of Ohio, written by Bruce...

Putting your lawn to bed for a long winter's nap

You might think getting your lawn and garden ready for winter is as simple as Robert Frost’s line to his apple trees: “Good-by, and keep cold.” But it isn’t that easy if you want them to be their healthiest come spring. In many parts of the country, now — that is, before it gets too chilly — is prime time to tend to your lawn so it will shine for next year.1. Pick up a rake and make...

Now that jukeboxes are an endangered species, live music rocks

SIESTA KEY, Fla. -- When you spend a lot of time in surfside restaurants, the kind that feature oysters on the half-shell, killer sunsets and bikini-clad babes wandering in from the beach, you get to know a thing or two about what draws -- and keeps -- an audience.And one of the most important ingredients in that kind of sublime setting is music.Live music.Played by real musicians ... none of...

Getting ready for you-know-what

After a well spent spring and summer accumulating treasures, my seek and find game will soon be limited to rummage sales, antique shops, auction houses, indoor flea markets, and secondhand stores. But with the holidays just around a couple corners, I will be adding craft shows and church bazaars to my list. Nearly all packed up and soon gone for the season are yard sales, farmers’ markets,...

Carve a place for pumpkin in your diet

A friend of mine says canned pumpkin is about the healthiest thing you can eat. Can that be right? Canned pumpkin (or fresh, for that matter) is, in fact, a healthful, filling food. Adding it to recipes, or substituting other ingredients with pumpkin, is a great way to boost the nutrition of the foods you eat without adding a lot of calories. A half-cup of canned pumpkin has just 40 calories but...

Starting over after prison

I don't think I will ever forget the comment of one pastor who worked in a hardscrabble community where the paychecks were very low and the collars were blue, if you were lucky enough to have a job at all. And this was before the great downturn of late 2008.The pastor said that in his community, having a kid in jail was as common as having a kid away at college. It seemed to be a rite of growing...

Celebrating a Blue Ribbon School