Focusing on the goal: Why churches should have a mission statement

Most businesses and companies, whether large or small, have a specific mission statement that sums up why they exist and what goals they’re working to meet. These mission statements help employees to stay focused on promoting the company or business and to constantly be aware of the company’s standard.
Today, most churches have followed the example of businesses and have adopted their own mission statement. Similar to a company, these congregations are able to stay focused on what their church is about and what it desires to offer others.
Area pastor Trevor Littleton, of Millersburg Christian Church, believes it’s critical for every church to have a mission statement or stated purpose.
“It is very important in today’s era for every church to have a mission statement,” he said. “The New Testament church had a mission statement, as given by Jesus in Matthew 28:19-20. A mission statement allows a church to focus on their specific purpose and goal. Like a laser, which is concentrated light, a mission statement can concentrate on one particular strength of the church. In addition, it becomes clear and evident exactly what the mission of a church is.”
The mission statement at Millersburg Christian Church is simple and concise, “Changing the lives of the sick and the saved.” Littleton said this specific statement was chosen because the church is focused on two areas: salvation and growth.
“We chose this as a mission statement because we have a passion to make a difference in the lives we encounter,” Littleton shared. “The statement is twofold. First, we desire to reach the lost. Jesus said it is the sick who need a doctor. Second, it is important to pursue growth once we have been born again. Therefore, we desire to change the lives of everyone we encounter, from those who do not know Christ, to those who do.”
Pastor Steve Young, of Faith Bible Church of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, agrees with Littleton that mission statements are important and helpful in keeping congregations focused on the goal in front of them.
“Our mission statement is to intimately know Christ, become more like Him and help others do the same,” said Young. “This has been our mission statement for more than 10 years now, and we do refer to it often.”
Young likes the mission statement of Faith Bible Church because it explains the church and its goal.
“It says, in a very short and concise way, exactly what our church is all about,” he said. “Our number one focus is a personal relationship with Christ. We are also focused on growth and becoming more like Him. The Christian life is a process and growth is a big part of the process. Then, finally, we want to help others do the same, know Christ personally and grow in Him.”
The Millersburg First Presbyterian and Clark Community churches have never adopted a mission statement, however, interim pastor Burt McGlawn and others within the churches are working to create such a statement. Although McGlawn can see the purpose and reasoning of a mission statement, he reminds us that actions, not written words, are what make the difference.
“A mission statement is worthless if the congregation doesn’t live it,” he said. “The congregation can only know the mission statement if it’s kept before them consistently. It needs to be short and concise so it can be easily remembered. It should also be used as a reminder to the people often so they can stay focused on the goal of the church.”
McGlawn said as long as a church knows the mission statement, the people can work to carry it out.
“If the church knows what they’re about, then they can carry out the mission,” he said. “It’s usually the nature of most churches to become more inward and less outward as time goes on. Having a mission statement or purpose statement that is continually in front of the congregation can help the church be aware of their goal and purpose.”
According to McGlawn, a mission statement can help give a church direction and keep it relevant.
“A couple of gentlemen, by the names of Stan Ott and Bill Easum, have been personal mentors to me, and according to these two, sometimes churches become programs and not ministries,” McGlawn explained. “Ott believes the church fails when they keep recycling the same programs that may or may not be working just because those programs have ‘always been.’ Churches, like businesses, need to keep up with the technology and world around them if they want to be relevant to this generation. A mission statement can help a church find that relevancy, but it will not work unless the congregation can memorize and execute that mission statement.”
As McGlawn and the churches work on developing a mission statement, many things will be taken into consideration and the outcome should be more focused and stronger congregations.
“We’re excited about developing a purpose or mission statement,” McGlawn added. “We’re looking forward to what lies in our future.”

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