Valley Quilt Guild plans third show
“Ho Ho Ho” Quilt Show is a two-day event sponsored by the Valley Quilt Guild, to be held Oct. 9 and 10 in First United Church of Christ, 201 Fair Ave. NW, New Philadelphia. The church is handicap accessible from the Fair Ave. parking lot.The show will feature a large quilt display, guild challenge quilts, a bed turning display of holiday quilts, a Quilters Boutique, door prizes and vendors. Various sewing and quilting demonstrations will be featured both days. The Opportunity quilt to be raffled this year is a stunning red and green holiday design called “multiple madness” which features a unique “stack and whack” technique.
Karen Maddox, a member of the guild, will be the featured quilter of the event and will have a special section at the show that will display her journey into the art of quilting from her early beginnings up to the present. Maddox is a very creative and skilled artist, having taught beginning quilt classes not only at the Tuscarawas County Art Center but also at Buckeye JVS for adult education classes. She will be available to discuss several of her creative techniques.
Admission to the show is $3 per person. Show hours are Oct. 9, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Oct. 10, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Lunch and snacks will be available each day at the Quilters Café. Serving as chairman for the event is Sharon Price.
Valley Quilt Guild is a nonprofit organization, which was formed in September 2005 to serve the greater Tuscarawas Valley, and holds monthly meetings the third Wednesday of every month, at 7 p.m., in the First UCC fellowship hall.
Activities include a short business meeting, instructional demonstrations, mentoring program for beginning quilters, and educational workshops, as well as community and charity projects. Locally, support has been channeled to Hospice of Tuscarawas County and Harbor House.
For information on the show or guild, contact show chairman Sharon Price at 330-364-3709 or guild president Cinda Pottmeyer at 330-343-1896.