Candles wafting skunk not helpful for holiday spirit

Candles wafting skunk not helpful for holiday spirit

The dogs and I discovered a very pretty cat that seemed to have taken up residence under our shed. We surprised each other one morning a week or so ago.

The dogs got a tad hysterical, and the cat got indignant. I was delighted to know a cat, not a skunk, was setting up housekeeping under our shed.

We know cats and skunks are distantly related, but a cat is a much better smelling shed tenant. Though a cat box is rather odoriferous, cats prefer to do their business away from their residence. Our neighbor’s garden seems a likely choice for a cat outhouse.

Once a few years ago, a skunk took up residence under another shed. Something challenged the skunk, and she/he took offense and sprayed that challenger with a vengeance. The result was a stinky shed and all its contents.

Somehow a Christmas wreath that smells like skunk isn’t a complement to the front door. Plus ornaments that reek of skunk do nothing for a Christmas tree. That year we had to buy all new ornaments, wreaths, another artificial tree, even candles. Candles wafting essence of skunk do not contribute to the holiday spirit.

So finding a cat under our new shed was a happy occurrence. I even took some food out to our new tenant, which was happily received.

The cat looked in good shape, and I soon discovered the reason why. He/she belonged to a neighbor. Turns out she/he was just visiting. To encourage that feline to come often, I am putting food out there at least once a day. I just hope the cat is the animal eating it.

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