Board hears presentation from eighth-grade students
Fairless Board of Education heard a presentation from six eighth-graders and awarded a contract to renovate the stadium bleachers during the Dec. 12 meeting.
The students chose the name Big Sisters and plan to show the younger generation, especially the fourth- and fifth-graders, they are there supporting them. They also spoke about empowering girls to try out for extra-curricular activities in which they have an interest and to have a healthy life and great community involvement. Cindy Class is their adviser.
They received a $2,000 Junior Leaders Community Service Grant to supply items to about 120 girls in middle and elementary school and homeschool students who participate in the project. The junior leaders are lla Warstler, Adelyn Peterson, Sylvia Twaddle, Alayna Conley, Ariana Quintaros, Nova Day, Bridget Newtz, Adaline Borojovich, Madelyn Vigil, Catalina Martinez and Teagan Dowdy.
Fairless Superintendent Mike Hearn said approval was given to a project by the board to complete renovations at Brideweser Stadium. He said the work will focus on safety and accessibility improvements and has been reviewed by a structural engineering firm to ensure the district will receive more service from the facility built in the early 1980s.
Plans are to add ADA-accessible ramps, widen the entrance bridge, add aisle ways and handrails, improve access to the press box, remove and replace all the wood, replace all railings and guardrails and bring them up to code, and repair concrete in need of maintenance. A second project will include paving the gravel area so guests can easily walk from the stadium to the concession stand and restrooms.
The projects are being paid from permanent improvement funds earmarked for stadium and facility improvement. The board entered into a contract with Dant Clayton to renovate the stadium bleachers at a cost of about $650,000. Board member Jason Kirby, who did not seek re-election, said his dad helped construct the bleachers, and the engineers commented how well they were constructed.
Tammy Zalesinsky, assistant principal, gave a report on college and career readiness activities. She said 11 different colleges, businesses and three military branches have visited the school. Some students have never been to a college campus, and several field trips are planned to visit a campus.
“We are excited to see what else we can offer our students,” Zalesinsky said.
The board also did the following:
—Entered a contract with Project School Nutrition LLC for nutrition software services and training at a cost of about $7,818.
—Approved a contract with MOSS for door access panel replacement at the middle and elementary schools at a cost of about $25,000. It will be paid from grant funds.
—Agreed to purchase security camera upgrade hardware and installation from SPARCC at the middle and elementary schools from grant funds at a cost of $117,500.
—Entered into an agreement for professional services with Cleveland State University to provide support to Jenny Best’s Teacher of the Year action research.
—Accepted the resignation of Nicholas Valentino, social studies teacher, effective Dec. 31.
—Approved the 2024-25 Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid and Student Wellness Success Funding Plan.
—Granted one-year supplemental contracts to certified staff Phil Glasgow, junior varsity softball, and Kristine Twigg, freshman softball.
—Issued one-year supplemental coaching contracts to nondistrict teachers Larry Carter, varsity assistant baseball; Matthew Samaco and Abraham Highben, freshman baseball; and Justin Cline, varsity assistant softball.
—Approved one-year probationary classified contracts to Whitley Pulley, paraprofessional aide, effective Dec. 11, and Christopher Kreiling, custodian, effective Dec. 6.
Other information
Boys volleyball, as a club sport, was approved for 10 games in spring 2024, with all coaches meeting requirements at no cost to the district. All cost will be covered by Club Sports.
The organizational, budget and regular meeting will be held Jan. 9 at 6:15 p.m. at 800 Seventh St., Brewster. Dr. Jody Seward was appointed president pro-tem.