Kingsway students participate in spelling bee
Madisson Cline, a seventh-grader, captured the title of Kingsway Spelling Bee champion by successfully spelling the words “miniature” and “mawkish” in the seventh round of the Kingsway Spelling Bee on Wednesday, Dec. 9. Cline will represent Kingsway at the Wayne County Spelling Bee to be held at Wooster High School on Monday, Jan. 25, and she will also be one of the KCS representatives at the ACSI District Spelling Bee to be held at Kingsway on Saturday, Jan. 30. As Kingsway champion, she received a special plaque as well as a blue ribbon for winning first place among the seventh graders.Gabrielle Swartzentruber, a fifth grader, came in second in the Kingsway Bee, and she also received a blue ribbon for being the fifth grade champion. She tripped up on the word “murmured” during the school-wide bee. She too, will be representing Kingsway at the ACSI District Spelling Bee.
In order to qualify to participate in the KCS bee, students had to finish in first or second in the classroom bees held in fifth- through eighth-grade. Other winners in the competition who received blue ribbons for first place or red ribbons for second place were: fifth-grade, second place- Joey Coudriet; sixth grade, first place- Sharon Herr and second place- Savannah Chapman; seventh-grade, second place- Nathan Caskey; eighth-grade, first place- Kiersten Zacharias and second place- Brad Eichar.