Superintendant attends summit
Superintendent Derek Varansky gave a report at the Aug. 14 Tuscarawas Valley Board of Education meeting about an Ohio Safety Summit he attended in July. Varansky attended breakout sessions and challenged the district on how to provide preventative measures and correct training for safety, wellness, bullying and suicide. He said the summit was very informative. Tuscarawas County Sheriff Orvis Campbell also attended the summit.
Varansky recently passed his commercial driver’s license test.
“I studied for two months before taking the test. I felt I needed to get the CDL license to drive a bus, if needed. We have 15 regular bus drivers, a permanent full-time substitute bus driver, along with substitute bus drivers Mark Murphy, director of operations, and Julie Hoagland and two mechanics,” Varansky said.
The board also approved Scott Pennell, transportation coordinator, as a substitute bus driver for hours he drives a school bus when no other drivers are available to drive.
The board also did the following:
—Accepted the resignation of Kristen Dummermuth, high school English teacher, effective Aug. 25.
—Issued a one-year contract to Kiersten Heckert, middle/high school English/language arts teacher, effective Aug. 31.
—Approved a $500 stipend to Mike Recktenwalt for district courier service for 2023-24.
—Approved a contract with the East Central Ohio Educational Service Center to accept grant funds for a school-based counselor at a cost of $40,000.
—Gave approval to band volunteers and chaperones, as on file, in the musical department office.
—Adopted a resolution to enter into a contractual agreement for regional cooperative programs for audiology services at an estimated cost of $2,589.
—Accepted donations of $6,000 from the Reeves Foundation for Project Lead the Way, $510 from JMK Marketing and $250 from National Forensic League for speech donations, $300 from David and Marion Bantz Charitable Fund for a building fund donation, $40 from Class of 1963, and Mineral City America Legion for 100 U.S. flags for district classrooms and three 4-by-6 U.S. flags for district flagpoles.
—Granted one-year supplemental certified contracts to Paul Dunlap, trapshooting coach, and Trisha McCray, Nikki Nazaroff, Chaleen Tidrick and Melissa Russell, all mentors.
—Gave one-year supplemental contracted employee contracts to Paul Ackerman; Todd Harpst, head coach; Dean Miller and Wayne Rex, volunteer trapshooting coaches; Rob Bowers and Dutch Kocher, assistant football volunteers; Bradley Clendenin, assistant football; and Rosalie Armstrong, volunteer high school speech co-assistant.
—Approved 32 substitute employees for all classified substitute positions pending certifications of all credentials.
Other information
Board President Dick Gooding thanked the Mineral City American Legion for supplying the new U.S. flags for the district. He said the district stands for the red, white and blue.
Kindergarten and first-grade classes will be held at the primary school in Mineral City, and second grade through sixth grade will attend classes in the former high school until the former middle school is renovated in 2024.
The Back-to-School Blast will be held Aug. 25 from 4-6 p.m. at the loop in front of the Tuscarawas Valley Elementary. Meet the team will be held at 6:30 p.m. prior to the home football game against Fairless.
The elementary and middle school open house will be held Aug. 31 from 4-6 p.m.
The new middle school/high school grand opening and ribbon cutting will be held Aug. 31 at 6:30 p.m. The public is invited to attend.
The primary school open house will be held Sept. 5 from 4-6 p.m. at Mineral City.
The next board of education meeting will be held Sept. 11 at 6 p.m. in the Elementary Trojan Center, 2637 Tusky Valley Road, Zoarville.