West Holmes BOE approves multiple contracts

West Holmes BOE approves multiple contracts

The West Holmes Local Schools Board of Education met Monday, June 17 at West Holmes High School for a regular meeting.

The board did the following during the meeting:

—Approved the 2024-25 West Holmes bus driver and the 2024-25 West Holmes pupil transportation handbooks.

—Approved participating in the 2025 group rating program with CompManagement for worker’s compensation.

—Approved Liberty Insurance for property, fleet and liability insurance from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.

—Approved a resolution establishing a capital projects fund (Fund 070) under Section 5705.13(C) of the revised code, directing the posting of investment interest to the general fund and authorizing and directing the transfer of money to Fund 070 from the general fund.

—Approved the following one-year contracts for the 2024-25 school year: Keaton Leppla, high school football head coach; Tom Eastep, high school football assistant coach; Timothy McAvene, high school football assistant coach; Matt Torgler, high school football assistant coach; Tony Roberts, high school football assistant coach; Divaunta Spearman, high school football freshman coach, if team; Brandon Mackey, high school football freshman coach, if team (1/2); Bridger Cline, high school football freshman coach, if team (1/2); Gabe Snyder, high school football volunteer coach; Keith Schrock, high school football volunteer coach; Drew Taylor, high school football volunteer coach; Geoff Wagers, middle school football head coach; Tucker Kaufman, middle school football assistant coach; Amanda Humphrey, high school volleyball head coach; Cara Park, high school volleyball assistant coach; Samantha Rhonemus, high school volleyball freshman coach; Katie Tyson, middle school volleyball head coach; Mya Blochlinger, middle school volleyball assistant coach;

Kevin Beachy, high school/middle school cross country head coach; Scot Mellor, high school/middle school cross country assistant coach; Nick Gerber, high school/middle school cross country volunteer coach; Clay Miller, high school/middle school cross country volunteer coach; Josh Wengerd, high school boys soccer head coach; Steve Obrst, high school boys soccer assistant coach; Jill Obrst, high school boys soccer volunteer coach; Bruce Murphy, high school girls soccer head coach; Brooke Wolfe, high school girls soccer assistant coach; Grant Fox, middle school boys soccer head coach; Nicole Strouse, middle school girls soccer head coach; Nathaniel Wade, middle school soccer volunteer coach; Vince Kaster, middle school soccer volunteer coach; Mike Molnar, high school golf head coach; Keith Troyer, middle school golf head coach; Rebbie Hill, high school girls tennis head coach; Erin Miller, high school girls tennis assistant coach; Jim Park, high school faculty manager;

Lisa Ogi, high school faculty manager; Julie Snyder, middle school faculty manager (fall/winter); Raven Wilcox, high school cheerleading head coach; Beth Lemon, high school cheerleading assistant coach; Jamie Aufrance, middle school cheerleading head coach; Tiffany Conner, middle school cheerleading assistant coach; Steve Butcher, high school concert band director/jazz band director/marching band director/pep band director/high school theater manager; Blake Depinet, high school assistant band director/middle school pep band director/middle school concert band director; Jason Snyder, high school volunteer marching band director; Michele Chaney, high school majorette advisor; Kristen O’Brien, high school musical director/high school choral music director/high school theater manager;

Jeremy Westbrook, high school senior class advisor; Melissa Rodhe, high school senior class advisor; Taylor Jordan, high school junior class advisor; Lindsay Rettig, high school junior class advisor; Andrea Anderson, high school sophomore class advisor; Morgan Kellogg, high school freshman class advisor; Jeremy Burnison, high school yearbook advisor; Katie Tyson, high school honors awards coordinator; Alison Gardner, high school Student Council advisor; Lacey Reynolds, high school National Honor Society; Lisa Lang, high school Academic Challenge; Melissa Amastadi, high school ED/MD for self-contained class; Carla Burgett, middle school Knights Council (1/2); Amanda Blankenship, middle school Knights Council (1/2);

Sara Sponseller-Uhl, middle school yearbook/yearbook advisor; Rachel Snyder, middle school Academic Challenge; Brooke Fox, middle school Robotics Club; John Krabill, middle school ED/MD for self-contained class; Sherri Barkman, Millersburg Elementary Safety Patrol director; Janet Yoder (MD), Millersburg Elementary ED/MD for self-contained class; Angela Snyder (MD), Millersburg Elementary ED/MD for self-contained class; Lindsey Beachy, Killbuck Elementary Safety Patrol co-director; Gerrilu Hughes, Killbuck Elementary Safety Patrol co-director; Kelly Hood (ED), Killbuck Elementary ED/MD for self-contained class; Ashley Ogi, Nashville Elementary co-teacher leader; Brooke Mast, Nashville Elementary co-teacher leader; Courtney Cooper, Lakeville Elementary teacher leader; Brian Baughman, LPDC member; Julie Snyder, LPDC member; Josh Wengerd, LPDC member; Suzanne Goudy, LPDC member; Brian Lash, LPDC member; Renee Woods, LPDC member; and Courtney Cooper, LPDC member.

—Approved district track and field meet payments for 13 individuals.

—Approved the following individuals to lead the following middle school after-school clubs: Amy Rohr, Art Club; Justin Wilcox, Archery Club; and Lisa Lang, Power of the Pen.

—Approved the following hirings: Jeff Woods, middle school principal, effective 2024-25 school year; Dennis Stahl, custodian, effective pending background check; Kevin Wolf, high school assistant principal, effective 2024-25 school year (two-year contract); and Lindsey Morris, elementary teacher, effective 2024-25 school year.

—Approved the transfer of Alan Swinehart as a custodian from the middle school to Nashville Elementary, effective May 28.

—Approved the resignations of Larry Leckrone, custodian, effective June 11; and Kevin Patterson, high school tennis coach; effective June 9.

Other information

The next board meeting is scheduled for July 8 at 7:30 a.m. at West Holmes High School.

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