On Aug. 8, vote no on Issue 1 and protect citizen rights

On Aug. 8, vote no on Issue 1 and protect citizen rights

Letter to the Editor,

On Aug. 8 Ohio voters will decide whether or not to give up our right to democracy.

Because of unconstitutional gerrymandering, Ohioans have very little voice to oppose actions taken by the Ohio legislature. Moreover, Ohio Republicans are counting on a low-turnout August election with only one issue on the ballot to take what’s left: majority rule itself.

Consider this analogy: In the next OSU-Michigan game, OSU scores 59 and Michigan scores 41, but Michigan is the winner. That’s what our state legislature proposes with Issue 1 and future amendments to the Ohio Constitution to raise the threshold to pass an amendment to 60% — it’s currently 50% plus one.

Furthermore, in order to place an amendment on the ballot, petitioners must collect signatures from 5% of the voters in the previous gubernatorial election in all 88 counties — currently, 44 counties are required. Only super-rich special interest groups will have the wherewithal to fund petition drives to place amendments on the ballot that threaten our rights.

According to the Ohio Capital Journal, Issue 1 is funded by billionaire “extremest Illinois businessman Dick Uihlein,” who has funded serious attacks on democracy in several states.

Do you want outside interests to take control over the Ohio Constitution and your rights as a citizen?

Vote no on Ohio Issue 1.

Susan Bacon

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