Village to monitor potential street damage from drilling trucks
Port Washington Mayor Tom Gardner told council members at the Dec. 30 meeting that village streets need to be monitored. If oil drilling operations progress as he expects, heavy well drilling trucks could cause damage to village streets.
DJ Meek indicated the drilling companies are obligated to repair any damages but also said there may be other funds available for such repairs if needed.
Gardner also recommended passage of an ordinance amendment that will allow trucks to use engine or Jake brakes in the event of an emergency. The village’s existing ordinance did not allow for such situations.
Council approved a resolution to set temporary appropriations using carryover funds as follows: General Fund, $524,297; Street Construction Fund, $23,025; State Highway Fund, $1,189; Cemetery Fund, $5; Permissive Motor Vehicle Fund, $8,708; and other capital projects, $3,012.
In other matters
Council discussed possibly changing zoning regulations for garage locations, both attached and detached. Gardner said the matter will be taken up with the zoning board at its next meeting.
Street Supervisor Rick Swiger said he and Gardner had downed limbs at the cemetery after a recent wind storm.
Council President Joe Bourne asked about funds available for street paving projects in 2025, and council discussed and agreed all paving project costs should remain lower than the “no bidding” amount of $75,000.
Bourne also reported 46 children stopped by the fire station to visit with Santa on Dec. 22.
Council member Brandie Bourne said problems of clogged water lines have continued in the fire station area and that two companies have been contacted to give estimates to fix the problems. She also said the next fire department breakfast will be held Jan. 11 from 8-11 a.m. The cost will be $8 per person.
Council heard the Christmas banquet for village employees, township employees, committee members and fire department staff has been rescheduled for Jan. 25 at 6 p.m. The original banquet was canceled due to the Indian Valley High School football team advancing to the state playoffs.
Port Washington Council meets the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at Village Hall. All meetings are open to the public.