Medway chief collaborates with Life Safety Team
Local drug-enforcement agencies play a pivotal role in enhancing community safety through a multifaceted approach. Their key responsibilities extend beyond enforcing drug laws; they are committed to education, prevention and community outreach initiatives.
By collaborating with community organizations, health services and educational institutions, Medway Director Joshua Hunt can address the root causes of drug abuse and provide resources for prevention and treatment.
Recently, Hunt visited Grace Church and discussed some of the trends in drug usage his agency is experiencing with members of the church’s Life Safety Team.
“Anytime we can help educate people on the true effects of addiction is empowering,” Hunt said. “It helps people that have never experienced addiction have a different perspective.”
The need for it
“Through the years we have had several incidents, so we started the safety program with trained, credentialed volunteers that attend the events we host at the church,” said Bruce Steiner, a member of the Life Services Team. “They are medical personnel, emergency medical technicians, doctors and law-enforcement members.”
Steiner’s goal is to provide members of the Life Safety Team with as much information as possible to deal with the types of emergencies they might encounter during the many types of events the church hosts such as weddings, funerals, sporting events and church services.
Through education, community engagement and data-driven strategies, Medway and partner agencies OneEighty, Wayne and Holmes County Board of Mental Health, Partnership for Drug-Free Wayne County’s Harm Reduction Committee, and Wayne County Children Services are combating the immediate effects of addiction and fostering a culture of health, safety and support within the community. They share their best practices for dealing with drug-related incidents by offering workshops and seminars that equip individuals with the knowledge to recognize the signs of addiction and offer assistance to those seeking help.
Any group that would like a presentation from Hunt can call him at 330-262-0064, email or send a message through the Medway website at
Dan Starcher is the public communications coordinator for Wayne County.