Dining with Diabetes scheduled

The Ohio State University Extension office in Tuscarawas County will be presenting Dining with Diabetes During the Holidays beginning Monday, Nov. 30, from 1-2:30 p.m. at Broadway United Methodist Church in New Philadelphia. Dining with Diabetes classes will be held once a week for three weeks, with a follow-up class scheduled three months after the program ends. The program is open to those with diabetes and one family member or caregiver. There is a $15 per person registration charge ($25 per couple - an individual with diabetes and one family member/caregiver). Space is limited and pre-registration is required. Holidays present special concerns for people with diabetes. Participants will taste and learn how to prepare healthy holiday recipes that taste good and are easy to prepare. Tips for coping with holiday stress and holiday festivities will be presented. Participants will also learn up-to-date information on nutrition, meal planning, exercise, and how to understand common diabetes-related medical tests. Recipe booklets and handouts will be given to each participant or couple. Dining with Diabetes will be presented by registered dietitians Christine Kendle, Extension educator, and Linda Krupa, Extension program assistant, both with Family and Consumer Sciences, OSU Extension, along with Susan Morris, registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator. A special topic will also be presented each week by a guest speaker. Diabetes is a very serious and costly disease, but research has shown that those who learn to manage their blood glucose levels, eat a healthy diet, and exercise regularly can lower their risk of complications and lead a healthier and more productive life. For more information or to register for the program, call the Tuscarawas County office of Ohio State University Extension at 330-339-2337 by Nov. 23.

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