Holmes falls prevention program expanding to Wayne County
The Holmes County General Health District has been awarded the Injury-Falls grant from the Ohio Department of Health for a third time. The Holmes County Falls Prevention Program led by the Holmes County General Health District aims to reduce the burden of falls among adults age 60 or older living in Holmes, Wayne and Ashland counties.
A regional approach was selected to enhance and expand the existing structure of falls prevention among adults age 60 and over, due to its effectiveness in Holmes County. The Falls Prevention Program will now be known as Falls Prevention Program of Holmes, Wayne & Ashland. The five-year grant cycle began Oct. 1, 2023, and will run through Sept. 30, 2028.
Kerry MacQueen, health educator/injury prevention coordinator of the HCGHD, will lead the HCFPP with assistance from current and new stakeholders/partners within the HCFPP region.
The HCFPP aims to make a difference in falls prevention within the newly established regional approach by completing these objectives:
—Enhancing the Standing Against Falls Coalition through increased involvement of current stakeholders with added partners from Wayne and Ashland counties.
—Educating and then implementing components of Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths & Injuries in primary care settings in the region with enhancement of falls education to already established primary care partners and healthcare providers in Holmes County.
—Identifying, implementing and enhancing a home-safety assessment and modification program with current and new fire/EMS partners, where these partners would provide a brief home-safety assessment during a free smoke detector installation, as well as provide home-safety self-assessment tools as requested by individuals with follow-up from the HCGHD and health department partners.
—Increasing the availability of evidence-based balance and mobility classes through training of A Matter of Balance coaches and Stepping On peer facilitators within the region, partnering with local and regional pharmacies to practice medication therapy management with enhancement of medication reviews.
—Promoting positive aging and falls are not a natural part of aging through a social marketing campaign within the HCFPP region, including special events. All partners of the FPP have the opportunity to refer individuals to the FPP.
These objectives were chosen because falls have reached epidemic proportions within the 60 and over population. Data compiled by the Ohio Department of Health Bureau of Vital Statistics from 2016-21 found Wayne County is in the top 10 of unintentional fall-related deaths within the 60 and over population out of the 88 counties in Ohio. Also, fall-related emergency department visits for 65 and over residents were greatest in Wayne County in 2022, with 6.6% occurrence.
These percentages were reportedly lowest in 2018 and 2020 at 4.9%, which constitutes a 26% increase in the occurrence of older adult falls over the last three years.
Data was further gathered by Jill Decker, epidemiologist of the HCGHD, and found from 2018-22 that there was a total of 11,301 ED visits within the HCFPP region with the highest ED visits in the 65-74 age range. Women accounted for more fall-related ED visits than men. Health Improvement Zones that have the highest ED falls rates will be targeted for evidence-based falls prevention programs. These zones are located in Millersburg, Wooster and Loudonville/Mohicanville/Ashland.
As the FPP moves toward a regional approach, Holmes, Wayne and Ashland counties will provide evidence-based falls prevention programs that can help individuals to develop the tools needed to prevent falls from occurring for themselves and others. All programs are offered at no charge. The FPP also will expand the Standing Against Falls Coalition. The coalition works to increase public awareness on falls prevention through education, special events, home safety, physical activity and promoting positive aging.
If you would like more information on the Falls Prevention Program of Holmes, Wayne & Ashland, call MacQueen at the HCGHD at 330-674-5035 ext. 251.