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Smithville Historical Society pays visit to Smith Orr Homestead

Smithville Community Historical Society met at the Smith Orr Homestead in Orrville on Monday, Oct. 5. Members learned the history of and toured the homestead. Rex Miller presented a copy of his book, In Search of Obedience, God Brought Me to America, to the society. In other business, members learned the bake oven is ready to use. Lights are being installed in the Mishler Mill Annex. A summer...

Jury psychology plays role in civil cases

Most people have seen television shows that feature jurors listening to lawyers talk about criminal cases, but juries are also used for civil cases, which generally have to do with contract disputes or injury cases, such as from traffic accidents. A jury role in a criminal case is very different from its role in a civil case. In a criminal case, a jury must decide guilt or innocence that may...

Energy programs that can help seniors save

Dear Savvy Senior,I’ve heard that there are some government programs that help seniors make home improvements to reduce their energy bills this year. What can you tell me about this?Conservative SeniorDear Conservative,Thanks to a big financial boost from Uncle Sam, there’s never been a better time to upgrade your home to make it more energy efficient. Here are several programs that can help...

Be a bean counter: Get three cups a week

I always thought of beans as a “filler” food, but I’m starting to appreciate how nutritious they are. What kind of benefits do they offer?Beans and other legumes (including peas and lentils) are often listed at or near the top of the best food buys you’ll find at the grocery store. Year-round, you can get more bang for your buck nutrition-wise with beans than just about anything else.Many...

What kind of clutter is in your clutter?

Unclutterers like me need to be aware that there are some things one should never throw out. Do not throw away other people’s junk, heirlooms that may be meaningful to someone else in the family, tax records for three years, and one-of-a-kind photos. However, for everyone else who does not suffer from the temptation to overzealously unclutter, there are likely cluttered issues contributing to...

Shut that door: Well that is most doors

Along with the chill in the air and frost on the ground, comes the same old holler, “Shut that door!” Many of us adults will repeat the shout of ages, “Were you born in a barn?” Hearing this, youngsters these days will look at you funny and wonder, “Why in the world did you ask that?” I myself ask the question to short folks coming through our front door; I am prompted by the memory...

Unlocking the secret to a successful marriage, with smoke alarms filling the air

My wife is a pretty amazing woman. For one thing, she’s put up with me for nearly 22 years and, as we get ready to celebrate our second wedding anniversary, I am especially cognizant of how much she means to me.She’s a kind, caring, loving person, one who did me the wonderful honor of marrying me, making Oct. 22, 2007, the best day of my life.What’s more, she doesn’t mind it when I share...

Live a mark and leave a mark: We all have one

Not long ago, I was invited to attend Catalyst conference, by our church, NewPointe. What is Catalyst? A definition of the word catalyst is: something that causes an important event to happen. A friend of mine defined it as "drinking water from a fire hose." If you ever have the chance to attend Catalyst, go. Do it. It causes important things to happen in your life.After an experience like...

Autumn is for oysters

Folklore says that oysters should be eaten only in months with “r’s” in them—September, October, etc. The notion that oysters should not be eaten in “r”-less months—that is, months that occur during warm weather—may have started in the days when oysters where shipped without adequate refrigeration and could spoil. But today all that has changed and we can enjoy oysters twelve...

Bankruptcy in a small business is a big deal

I have received a number of e-mails from small business people telling me how tough times are for them and that they are thinking about bellying up and letting the creditors have at it. The owners of these businesses are either sole proprietors, single or multiple members of limited liability companies (LLC) or small corporations.In any event, the common thread is that they are concerned about...