4-H Shooting Sports Club meets
The Holmes County 4-H Shooting Sports Club met recently at the Eastern Holmes Sportsman Club. The meeting began with the U.S. flag pledge led by Lucas Bailey and the 4-H flag pledge led by Zander Croskey.
The club had a window display set up at Bookworms Bookstore in Millersburg for 4-H Week and a display for the Holmes County 4-H open house at Harvest Ridge Fairgrounds.
The year-end financial report, club inventory, club charter and adviser training have all been completed.
Bryce Burgett and Tanner Neuenschwander shared the Ten Commandments of Firearm Safety, five objectives of firearm shooting concentration and proper sight pictures.
Community service projects were discussed by club members. The Shooting Sports Projects available are basic archery, safe use of guns, rifle, shotgun, pistol, archery, muzzleloader, shotgun shell reloading, hunting and wildlife, living history, western heritage, crossbow, trapping, and fishing.
The next club meeting will be held Saturday, April 13 from noon to 2 p.m. at the Eastern Holmes Sportsman Club. For more information on the Holmes County 4-H Shooting Sports Club, call the OSU Extension Office at 330-674-3015 or reach Patricia Ann Lang, instructor and adviser, at 6356 County Road 51, Big Prairie, OH 44611; 330-275-7578; or patricia.lang1950@gmail.com.